Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Reasoning : Syllogism Questions Set 47

Directions (1-5) : In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. STATEMENTS: a)No E is a M. b)All V are M. c)All V are J.
  1. CONCLUSIONS: a) At least some J are not E. b) No E is J. c) No V is a E.
    Only a follows
    Only b follows
    Only a and c follow
    Only b and c follows
    None of these
    Option C


  2. STATEMENTS: a)Only a few W are B. b)Some A is T. c)All A are B. CONCLUSIONS: a) All W is A is a possibility. b) All B is W is a possibility. c) Some T is B is a possibility.
    Only a follows
    Only b follows
    Only c follows
    Only a and b follows
    None of these
    Option B


  3. STATEMENTS: a)Only T are G. b)Only a few T is G. c)No T is J. CONCLUSIONS: a)All T are G is a possibility. b) All J are G. c) Some G are not J.
    Only a follows
    Only b follows
    Only c follows
    Only b and c follows
    Only a and b follows
    Option C


  4. STATEMENTS: a)Only a few M are O. b)No M is R. c)No B are O. CONCLUSIONS: a) Some B are R is a possibility. b) All M is O is a possibility. c) Some M is B.
    Only a follows
    Only a and b follows
    Only c follows
    Only a and c follows
    None of these
    Option A


  5. STATEMENTS: a)A few M are H. b)No H are D. c)Atleast Some D are W. CONCLUSIONS: a)Some D is M is a possibility. b) Some W is not H. c) No D is W.
    Only a and b follow
    Only a follows
    Only b follows
    Only a and c follows
    None of these
    Option A

  6. Directions (6-10) : In each question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts STATEMENTS: a)Only a few P are S. b)No R is S. c)Some P is L.

  7. CONCLUSIONS: a) All P are L is a possibility b) All P are S is a possibility.
    Only a follows
    Only b follows
    Either a or b follows
    Neither a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option A


  8. STATEMENTS: a)Only a few C is L. b)Some L are M. c)Only C is R. CONCLUSIONS: a) Some M is R. b) Some R is L is a possibility.
    Only a follows
    Only b follows
    Either a or b follows
    Neither a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option D


  9. STATEMENTS: a)Only a few S are Q. b)No Q is P. c)All Q are M. CONCLUSIONS: a) Some M is S. b) All P can be M.
    Only a follows
    Only b follows
    Either a or b follows
    Neither a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option E


  10. STATEMENTS: a)Some S are G. b)All S are T. c)Only G is M. CONCLUSIONS: a) Some G is T is a possibility. b) Some S is M.
    Only a follows
    Only b follows
    Either a or b follows
    Neither a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option D


  11. STATEMENTS: a)Only a few S is C. b)All L are C. c)All H are C. CONCLUSIONS: a)All S is L is a possibility b) All H is S is possibility.
    Only a follows
    Only b follows
    Either a or b follows
    Neither a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option B


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