Thursday, August 29, 2019

Reasoning : Puzzles and Arrangements for Upcoming Exams – Set 137

Directions (1-5) : Study the information and answer the questions : Eight candidates are going to attend lecture on two different dates-14th and 29th of the four different months starting from March to June. Only three candidates attend lecture between Varsha and Unnati, who goes in the month which has an even number of days. More than four candidates attend lecture after Priyal. Only two candidates attend lecture between Priyal and Taruna, who attends on an even number date. Varsha attends lecture immediate after Riya, but not in the same month. Queen and Weom attend lecture on the same date but in different month. More than one candidate attend lecture between Shivani and Weom. Unnati and Taruna doesn’t attend lecture in the same month.
  1. Who among the following attends lecture on 29th May?
    Cannot be determined
    None of these
    Option A


  2. Varsha attends lecture on which of the following month?
    Cannot be determined
    Option B


  3. How many candidates are going in between Riya and Queen?
    None of these
    Option C


  4. Which of the statement is true about Weom?
    Both b and c are true
    Queen attends lecture immediately before Weom
    Weom attends lecture on odd numbered date
    Weom attends lecture on the month which has even number of days
    All are true
    Option D


  5. Four of the following are alike in a certain way so form a group, which among the following does not belong to that group?
    Shivani-14th May
    Varsha-29th April
    Unnati-14th June
    Queen-29th May
    Priyal-14th March
    Option B

  6. Directions (6-10) : Study the information and answer the questions : Eight persons are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each, In row–1 Avantika, Brijesh, Caryl and Diksha are seated and all of them facing south while In row-2 Priyanka, Queen, Riya and Saumya are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. All of them like a different colour. Brijesh is seated second to the right of the person who likes Yale. Caryl is seated opposite to the person who likes Olive, who is seated second to the left of Saumya. Queen is seated immediate left of the person who likes Beige. Avantika is seated immediate right of the person who likes Grey. The person who likes White is seated opposite to Brijesh. Priyanka is seated opposite to the person who likes Green but not at the end. Caryl likes neither Orange nor Blue. The one who likes Blue face south.

  7. Who is seated between Avantika and the person who likes Blue?
    The one who likes green
    The one who likes Olive
    Option B


  8. Who amongst the following sit at extreme ends of the rows?
    Riya and Priyanka
    Brijesh and Saumya
    Saumya and Avantika
    Caryl and Queen
    None of these
    Option B


  9. Who amongst the following faces the person who likes Orange?
    The one who likes Blue
    The one who likes Yale
    The one who likes Green
    The one who likes Olive
    None of these
    Option B


  10. Who amongst the following likes Blue?
    None of these
    Option B


  11. Who amongst the following likes White?
    None of these
    Option D


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