Saturday, August 17, 2019

Mixed English Questions for Mains Exam— Set 182

Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the following questions.

  1. A. Films and other contents must be made on certain moral and noble ethical values.
    B. Each of them plays a crucial role in educating, and entertaining the masses.
    C. During election period, one can know the positions of political parties, their leaders, happenings in various part of the countries,just sitting at home before TV.
    D. With rapid development of information and technology the visual media which is in the shape of cable TV, with multitudes of domestic and foreign channels has reached almost every house in the country.
    E. Visual media thus has a very emphatic and motivating effect on the society.
    F. Sitting before a TV, one can pass and enjoy one’s leisure time listening music,viewing movies,learning techniques of body-building, hearing sermons of religious saints,learning about wild animals,knowing about space and what not.
    G. The negative and adverse aspect of the visual media although, need censoring by the administration.

    Which is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
    Correct sequence is DBFCEGA


  2. Which is the SIXTH sentence after rearrangement?
    Option B


  3. Which is the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
    Option D


  4. Which of the following is consecutive set of sentences?
    Option A


  5. Which of the following is consecutive set of sentences?
    Option B


  6. Directions (6-10) : In the questions given below, there is a sentence in which one part is given in bracket.
    The part given in bracket may or may not be grammatically correct. Choose the best alternative among the four given which can replace the part in bracket to make the sentence grammatically correct. If the part given in bracket is already correct and does not require any replacement, choose option (5), i.e. “No replacement required” as your answer.

  7. To show ''how far we have been coming from'' technology and connectivity,we have smart watches now which not only tell us time but also track the number of steps, calories and our heart rate.
    how far we come with
    how far we had come with
    how far we are coming towards
    how far we have come with
    No correction required


  8. When our countrymen ''were struggling and fighting for attain the freedom'', the women folk also fought shoulder to shoulder and whole-heartedly supported the struggling freedom fighters.
    were struggling and fighting to attain the freedom
    was struggling and fighting to attaining the freedom
    had struggled and fought for attain the freedom
    were struggling and fighting to attained the freedom
    No correction required
    Option A


  9. If education ''does not teach students to'' share the problems of others, to love all and to serve all, it is meaningless.
    will not teach student to
    do not teach students to
    isn’t teaching students for
    do not teaches students to
    No correction required
    Option E


  10. Newspaper is today regarded as a powerful source of knowledge, vigorous critic of government actions, ''draw the attention of public in'' the maladies and abuses prevalent in the society.
    draw the attention of public towards
    drawn the attention of public in
    drawing the attention of public towards
    drawing the attention of public from
    No correction required
    Option C


  11. Whatever invention and discoveries that are seen today, from a nut to the jet plane ''are the result of'' proper use of knowledge.
    were the result of
    are the results of
    had to be the results from
    Has been resulted from
    No correction required
    Option B


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