Wednesday, August 28, 2019

English Questions: Sentence Connectors Set 37 (Mains Pattern)

Directions (Q.1-10):Choose the option which when used to start a sentence combines both the below sentences in one.

  1. Today’s world is fast-paced and to keep up with it we need an infusion of speed with learning. From the classroom assignments, lectures, blackboards and chalks we have come a long way to what is now known as e-learning
    I. To keep up with
    II. Having come a long way
    III. We have come a long way
    None of the above
    Option B
    To keep up with fast paced world today we need an infusion of speed with learning as we have come a long way from the classroom assignments, lectures, blackboards and chalks to what is now known as e-learning.


  2. Biodiversity plays a very important role in controlling the stability and functioning of the ecosystem. It ensures survival and well being of the human race.
    I. Functioning of the ecosystem
    II. For the survival and
    III. Stability and functioning
    None of the above
    Option D
    For the survival and well being of the human race biodiversity plays a very important role in controlling the stability and functioning of the ecosystem.


  3. Books in a library radiate spiritual impressions which impinge positively on our psyche. That in turn makes life worth living and happy.
    I. To make life worthy
    II. By radiating spiritual impressions
    III. A library impinge
    None of the above
    Option A
    By radiating spiritual impressions, books in a library impinge positively on our psyche which in turn makes life worth living and happy.


  4. State is primarily an educational institution, said Greek philosopher Plato. If it neglects education, it matters little what else it does.
    I. In neglecting institutions
    II. Education is prime
    III. Greek philosopher Plato
    None of the above
    Option A
    Greek philosopher Plato said that the state is primarily an educational institution and that if it neglects education, it matters little what else it does.


  5. The English language is an advanced and flexible one and its teaching should not be discarded altogether. India cannot afford to ignore this language.
    I. India cannot afford to
    II. Discard the language
    III. With an advanced and flexible teaching
    None of the above
    Option B
    India cannot afford to ignore English language as it is an advanced and flexible one and its teaching should not be discarded altogether.


  6. We should not forget the importance of ecological balance while developing and promoting tourism in every possible manner. That is why we have to develop the concept of eco-friendly tourism.
    I. If ecological tourism were to be promoted
    II. We have to develop the
    III. Forgetting the importance of
    None of the above
    Option D
    We have to develop the concept of eco-friendly tourism because while developing and promoting tourism in every possible manner it is important that we do not forget the importance of ecological balance.


  7. We have now smart watches such as Fitbit, garmin to name a few that shows how far we have come with technology and connectivity. They have changed the way we look at time.
    I. Having changed the way we
    II. To show how far
    III. With time comes
    Option C
    To show how far we have come with technology and connectivity, we have now smart watches such as Fitbit, garmin to name a few that have changed the way we look at time.

    Having changed the way we look at time, we have now smart watches such as Fitbit, garmin to name a few that shows how far we have come with technology and connectivity.


  8. We have a moral responsibility to pay the debt by leaving the earth in at least as good a situation as we now enjoy. When we use earth’s natural resources we borrow from the earth and from future generations
    I. When we use earth’s
    II. If we are to borrow
    III. Enjoying while leaving the
    None of the above
    Option C
    When we use earth’s natural resources we borrow from the earth and from future generations and have a moral responsibility to pay the debt by leaving the earth in at least as good a situation as we now enjoy.


  9. Increased automation will put people out of jobs and cause massive upheaval. It, as experts claim will be a recipe for worldwide crisis in the field of employment.
    I. For a crisis to
    II. Putting people out of
    III. Experts claim that
    None of the above
    Option B
    Experts claim that increased automation will be a recipe for worldwide crisis in the field of employment as it will put people out of jobs and cause massive upheaval.

    Putting people out of jobs and causing massive upheaval, Increased automation will be a recipe for worldwide crisis in the field of employment.


  10. Many take up teaching just to escape unemployment rather than a genuine passion which is pathetic to note. It results in mediocrity in the educational system
    I. Mediocrity results in
    II. While many genuine passion
    III. It is pathetic to note that
    None of the above
    Option D
    It is pathetic to note that many take up teaching just to escape unemployment rather than a genuine passion which results in mediocrity in the educational system.


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