Saturday, August 31, 2019

English: Sentence Corrections Set 97

Directions: In this question, a part of the sentence is made bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no replacement is needed, mark (E) as your answer.

  1. One school of thought believes that the planet is warming without humans doing anything to make it happen.
    the planet is warming it
    the planet is warming itself
    the planet is warming themselves
    the planet is warming oneself
    No correction required
    Option B


  2. A dollar weak index and lower US treasury yield are also making the yellow metal attractive for investors.
    dollar weaker index and lower US
    dollar weak index and low US
    weak dollar index and US lower
    weak dollar index and lower US
    No correction required
    Option D


  3. Entrepreneurs should put down some money in a contingency fund even before starting their business.
    should putting down some money
    should put by some money
    should have put down some money
    should had put by some money
    No correction required
    Option B


  4. We must do everything we possibly can sooner than we think we can, and more brilliantly and imaginatively than we think possible.
    sooner when we think we can
    more sooner than we think we can
    later than we think we can
    latest than we think we can
    No correction required
    Option E


  5. Most of us recognise our moral obligation towards leave children a decent future, which obviously includes a decent planet.
    our moral obligations towards
    our moral obligatory towards
    our moral obligatory to
    our moral obligation to
    No correction required
    Option D


  6. Despite the political collusion, our suspicious chief minister has kept her comrades at arming lengths.
    comrades at arming length
    comrades at arm’s lengths
    comrades at arm’s length
    comrades in arm’s length
    No correction required
    Option C


  7. Extensive digital campaigns and the lack of better alternatives brought out BJP’s unprecedented victory.
    better alternatives bringing out
    better alternatives brought about
    better alternatives brought round
    better alternatives brought up
    No correction required
    Option B


  8. A pincing movement of interesting corporate and political pressure combined with regulatory overdrive has cramped the autonomy of the teacher.
    pincer movement of interesting corporate
    pincing movement of corporate interest
    pincer movement of corporate interest
    pincing movement in interesting corporate
    No correction required
    Option C
    The word ‘pincing’ should be replaced with ‘pincer’ to make the sentence correct. The term ‘pincer movement’ is used in reference to a situation involving pressure from two different sides or forces.


  9. In private spaces too, heckling may amount to a breach of privacy, which includes the right to be left alone.
    may amount to a breach in
    may amount to a breach from
    may amount to a breach out of
    may amount in a breach of
    No correction required
    Option E


  10. With the advent from new age digital and social media, fake news has pervaded all spheres of life, political and social.
    With the adventure of
    With the avalanche of
    With the anticipation of
    With the advent of
    No correction required
    Option D


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