- Who among the following is mother of Fz?
AzCzDzBzEzOption D
- Who among the following person sits third to the right of Fz’s grand-father?
AzCzBzEzNone of theseOption C
- Who among the following is sister-in-law of Bz?
EzAzCzDzNone of theseOption A
- What is the position of Fz’s father with respect to Fz?
3rd to the rightImmediate left2nd to the rightImmediate rightNone of theseOption A
Directions (5-8) : Study the information and answer the questions :
There are eight members of a family, in which three married couples. There are three generation in this family. Aaa is grandfather of Hhh who is cousin of Fff. Bbb has only two children. Ggg is sister of Ccc. Eee is son-in-law of Aaa. Ddd is mother of Hhh. Eee is father of Fff who is niece of Ccc. Hhh is a male member of the family.
- Who among the following is sister-in-law of Ddd?
GggAaaCccCannot be determinedNone of theseOption A
- Who among the following is father of Hhh?
AaaCccDddEeeCannot be determinedOption B
- Who among the following is daughter-in-law of Aaa?
BbbEeeDddCccNone of theseOption C
- How Ggg is related to Hhh?
MotherUncleAuntFatherNone of theseOption C
Directions (9-10) : Study the information and answer the questions :
Px, Qx, Rx, Sx, Ux, Vx and Tx are the members of a family. There are three generation in this family. Px is mother in law of Tx. Vx is sister of Sx who is nephew of Rx. Ux is granddaughter of Qx. Tx is not married to Vx. Tx is a married woman. Rx is not sibling of Px.
Who among the following is niece of Vx?
- How Rx is related to Vx?
NieceFatherAuntUncleCannot be determinedOption E
Cannot be determined
None of these
Option C
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