- Recent discussions between Indian and Chinese officials on the way forward in Afghanistan are a welcome sign that both countries are ''attempting to'' put a very bad year in bilateral ties behind them, and seek common ground where possible.
I. recommending for
II. making an effort to
III. corresponding toIIII, IIIIINoneOption
making an effort to – trying
- Quotas determine the size of contingency funds at the disposal of the IMF to lend to countries in need of help, as well as the power of individual countries ''to influence'' lending decisions and tap into the funds themselves.
I. to excruciate
II. to distraught
III. to impelIIIIIIII, IIINoneOption B
To impel – force , urge
- Romanticism, a philosophy strongly ''attributed to'' Jean-Jacques Rousseau, stressed emotion and a return to the natural state of man instead of the confines and constructs of society.
I. sanctioned of
II. associated with
III. charged byIIIIII, IIII, IIINoneOption A
- The struggle to keep polarisation at bay will be unrelenting for the memories of Partition and the mayhem of terror will keep ''churning up'' hate.
I. agitating
II. fondling at
III. enmeshing forII, IIII, IIIIIINoneOption D
- As Ronald Dworkin said, the preservation of individual autonomy is an ''essential'' requirement of a legitimate government.
I. crucial
II. reckoning
III. vitalI, IIIIIIIIINoneOption A
- A)/These was sufficient indicators to activate B)/ the Punjab police and seek necessary C)/ help from the Army in the vicinity to secure D)/ the Air Force station and comb the area. E)/ No errorABCDEOption
Replace “was” with “were”
- A)/ The terrorists take hostages for B)/ twin objectives of hogging the C)/ headlines and also for make D)/ efforts to escape from the area of attack. E)/ No errorABCDEOption C
Replace “for” with “to”
- A)/ The manner in which our system responded B)/ after getting a crucial and C)/ clinching evidence leaves D)/ much to be desired. E)/ No errorABCDEOption E
- A)/ Engage with the government in B)/ policy making and contribute C)/ towards a effective public-D)/ private partnership on renewables. E)/ No errorABCDEOption C
Replace “a” with “an”
- A)/ Without doubt, the more we B)/ learn about Swami Vivekananda, C)/ the most reasons D)/ we discover to love him. E)/ No ErrorABCDEOption C
Replace “most” with “more”.
Directions(6-10):Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be one part of the sentence. if there is no error, the answer is (E).
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