- (1)used of (2)primary red, blue, and yellow, only (3)secondary colors were (4)Instead on the walls.2-42-31-41-3No changeOption C
‘used’ and ‘instead’ are to be replaced to make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct
- A (1)dozen women (2)showed up to the (3)luncheon, but only ten ate after two (4)invitees had left early.2-33-41-31-2No changeOption E
- The (1)toll for a war of any size is (2)hundreds higher than we think, as (3)always of thousands of people die in (4)combat.1-42-42-31-3No changeOption C
‘hundreds’ and ‘always’ are to be replaced to make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct.
- Initial (1)reports showed signs of (2)infection while a (3)secondary report (4)showed things were all clear.2-33-41-21-4No changeOption E
- After (1) everyone else in his (2) platoon had died, the soldiers saw the (3)singularity of their (4)enemy following the battle.1-32-32-41-4No changeOption E
- The insstent child continued his begging, asking his mother for money for a new toy car.insstentcontinuedaskingmoneyAll are correctOption A
‘insistent’ is the correct spelling.
- Police arrested the poor for begging on the street, pnishing them for asking others for a handout.arrestedbeggingpnishingothersAll are correctOption C
‘punishing’ is the correct spelling.
- If you need advice from an expert, it is in your best interest to consult a professional so you can get the best advice possible.adviceexpertinterestprofessionalAll are correctOption E
- At the garage sale, I had a customer who wnted to scrounge for free items.garagecustomerwhowntedAll are correctOption D
‘wanted’ is the correct spelling.
- You should conslt with your parents before making major life choices even as an adult, as they are professionals in regards to life experience.consltparentsbeforeexperienceAll are correctOption A
‘consult’ is the correct spelling.
Directions (6-10): In each Question below, a sentence is given with four words given in Bold in the sentence. Among these bold words one may be wrongly spelt. The option of that word is the answer. If all four words are correctly spelt mark e. i.e. 'All are Correct' as the answer.
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