- The assumption of power by the khaljis was an event of great significance in so far as it marked the assumption of power by the Indian Muslims, who were considered inferior by the Turks. Jalaluddin khalji who came to the throne at the ripe age of seventy, adopted a very liberal and tolerant policy. He permitted most of the Turkish nobles to enjoy their previous posts and even pardoned those who revolted against him.He was inefficient as an administrator.He was noble and kind-hearted as a person.He was not afraid of the Turks.He depended upon other administrators as he was unable to rule due to his age.He was very cruel and enjoyed in giving brutal punishments to others.Option B
- Long before the advent of science, man was groping in darkness helplessly trying in his own primitive way to understand the world around him. Science has revolutionized his attitude to nature. His prejudices and false notions have now been unmasked. It has bestowed on him perception enough to unravel mysteries of nature to his benefit. He is no more a dumb animal driven at the behest of nature.Science has provided man with values that can help him work for the benefit of mankind.Man’s insight has become more perceptive due to advancement in Science.Science has made man a dumb animal who requires help at every step.Man is grouping in darkness because of the lack of progress in science.None of theseOption B
- Many foods and snacks served in schools these days do more harm than good to children and teenagers. This is because the foods are loaded with sugars, caffeine, sodium, and other chemicals that keep children from performing to the best of their abilities. Too much sugar can make kids jittery, tired, and unfocused, impacting their ability to learn and to get good grades. These days, it is estimated that one out of every three children suffers from obesity. Malnutrition does not necessarily mean that there is a lack of food. It also means that there is sometimes too much food. Both situations are a sign of the lack of the right kind of nutrients.Many food served in schools these days harm kids in many ways.Obesity and malnutrition are seen excessively in school kids.Malnourished kids could be a result of the excessive junk food consumption from food that is served at schools, which impacts their ability to get good grades.The food served in school these days result in overweight kids and sometimes malnourished kids, as the foods contains excessive unwanted substances.None of theseOption C
- Do not mourn the past says the Buddha. Nor should you worry about the future he adds. Instead, one ought to live in the present moments wisely and honestly. That is the secret of health, both for the mind and body. Buddha in sight emphasizes a subtle paradox that can be noticed when you step back from the continuing stream of consciousness. Of course we are all living in the present, here and now, you might ask else would be we living? Yet a moment self-reflection would show that many of us live ‘everywhere’ expect in the present moment – we are either fretting over the split milk or worrying about the future split milk. Either way one ends up missing out on what the German born mystic Eckhort Tolle in his global block buster calls “The power of Now”. But a sense of the past and the future remains absolutely critical. Without the crucial ability to take that mental step backward or forward away from the perfect present, life becomes a meaningless nightmare without end.If you worry too much about the past or the future, it might impair your mental and physical health. Yet the past and the future alone make the present meaningful for mankind.Buddha sermon of living in the present seems good for physical and spiritual well-being because men usually worry about the past or the future and miss out the present. But without a reference to the past and the future life would become meaningless.Life without reference to the past or the future is unimaginable, though Buddha insists that men should live in the present.Like Buddha theory of momentairness, the German mystic Eckhart Tolle emphasizes the ‘power of now’. We generally miss out on the present as we are engrossed by the thoughts of the past and future. This causes a meaningless nightmare of mankind.None of theseOption B
Buddha sermon of living in the present seems good for physical and spiritual well-being because men usually worry about the past or the future and miss out the present. But without a reference to the past and the future life would become meaning less
A -misses out the sermon of Buddha and hence can be ruled out.
C -does not speak of man being engrossed in the past and the future, neglecting the present.
D -‘meaningless’ nightmare is an overstatement.
- In a free market economy, no one provides education, health care or housing. To sum it up the rich get richer and the poor become more deprived. There are no public goods such as street lighting, police and fire services, or public transportation because there is no profit in providing these goods. Products like cigarettes and alcohol will proliferate because there is profit to be taken by making them available to the public. The environment, road conditions, air and water supply will be ignored, again, because they don’t put money in a rich man’s pocket.In a free market economy there will be wasted resources, social injustice will prevail and economic instability will last.In a free economy there is an abundance of all the resources equally.In a free market economy, a lot of products would be given more priority over others.In a free market economy, public services will be given lesser or no importance at all.None of the aboveOption
- I. So little did he understand the seriousness of the situation that, when the __________ message “All is over!”
II. The existence of famine and cholera added to the difficulties of the government, and in March 1867 the Lower House, by a majority of three, passed the _________ resolution, ” The chamber inflicts a vote of blame on the government.
III. William Law’s books produced a great impression on Wesley, and on his advice the young tutor began to read mystic authors, but he saw that their tendency was to make good works appear mean and ____________, and he soon laid them aside.laconic, insipidverbose, interestingfeeble, brightbland, vapidprompt, lifelessOption A
Laconic – (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words
Insipid- lacking vigor or interest.
Prompt – (of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling)
Verbose- speaking too much
Bland – lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting
- I. After ten years of war, both sides have found _______ ways to make peace with one another, as the bloodshed has grown viscous and brutal.
II. As the government banks are facing the worst NPA growth every year. The finance minister has taken ________ approaches in order to address this situation.
III. Irrespective of his actuating motives, his deeds as an _________ will be treated harshly and is answerable in court.pragmatic, iconoclastcritic, practicalsceptic, reasonablequestioner, hard-nosedsenseless, stunnedOption A
Pragmatic – dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
Iconoclast – a person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or institutions
Questioner – a person who asks questions, especially in an official context
Sceptic – a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions
hard-nosed – realistic and determined; tough-minded
- I. My teenage daughter earned herself a spot at the kiddie table, after her ________ conduct.
II. If you act in a ________ way, many people will not take you seriously.
III. Great fluency and ease of diction, considerable warmth of imagination and moral sentiment, and a sharp eye to discover any oddity of style or violation of the accepted canons of good taste, made his criticisms _________ and effective.mild, wisesoothing, farsightedpleasant, profoundpuerile, pungentobvious, odiousOption D
Puerile – childishly silly and immature
Pungent – (of comment, criticism, or humour) having a sharp and caustic quality
Pungent – having a sharply strong taste or smell
Odious – extremely unpleasant; repulsive
- I. On account of __________ in the family, he did not attend office for days together.
II. Other Resources – If you need information on everything from traveling with your pet to where pets are welcome to pet _________ to the companions in crisis program, just contact the Society for more information.
III. It does not _______ our political leaders to berate one another for failure in the field of economy.Bereavement, BehoveBanal, BrazenBrooch, BlatantBantering, BroachBereft, BenefactoryOption
Bereavement – death of near and dear one
Behove – suited to befit, become
Banal – so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
Brazen- bold and without shame
Bereft – deprived or lacking
Blatant – (of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly
- I. A judge should never dispense with __________ while dealing with criminals.
II. To the virtues of liberality, charity and ________ he added the Machiavellian qualities of falsehood and shrewdness, so highly esteemed by the princes of his time.
III. It is difficult to _______ the working of laws of Nature.Coerce, ConfoundCavil, CharismaCarping, DauntlessDecry, DeferenceClemency, ConstrueOption E
Clemency – leniency, mildness, kindness
Construe – interpret
Cavil –find fault
Coerce- force, repress
Confound – confuse
Dauntless- bold, brave
Decry – disparage
Directions (6-10) Choose ONE word to be fitted in both the sentences I and II and another word that suits for sentence III.
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