Thursday, February 13, 2020

Quantitative Aptitude: Data Interpretation Questions Set 134

Directions (1-5): The following table shows the different state's tax collection in lakhs in different month.
  1. What is the maximum difference growth tax collection in the month April between the states Karnataka and Tamil nadu?
    Option C
    Growth collection in the month April in Karnataka = 966 – 674/ 674 = 0.43
    Growth collection in the month April in Tamilnadu = 6765 – 5677/ 5677 = 0.19
    Difference = 0.43 – 0.19= 0.24


  2. What is the ratio of growth in the month and Aug in Goa?
    2.1 : 0.07
    2.3 : 0.5
    2 : 0.07
    2.3 : 0.15
    2.3 : 0.07
    Option E
    Growth in tax collection in Feb = 668 – 45 /45 = 13.8
    Growth in tax collection in Aug = 95 – 66/66 = 0.44
    Ratio = 13.8 : 0.44= 2.3 : 0.07


  3. Among UP and Maharashtra which one the highest tax collection state in all 8 months and Find its Average?
    3459 lakhs.
    3249 lakhs.
    2459 lakhs.
    32459 lakhs.
    32959 lakhs.
    Option D
    Collection of Tax in UP = 5644 + 1230 + 4567 + 4562 + 975 + 345 + 2345 + 3543 = 23211 lakhs
    Collection of Tax in Maharashtra = 3223 + 5456+ 8654 + 4578 + 785 + 5679 + 8654 + 4678 = 41707 lakhs.
    So Maharshtra has collected maximum Tax.
    Average = 23211 + 41707/2 = 32459 lakhs.


  4. Find the percentage of contribution of Haryana tax collection on all the states tax collection in the month Jan?
    Option A
    All the states collection in month Jan = 123 +7747 +5644 + 446 +235+4234+45+3223+43+5454+644+345+686 = 28869 lakhs.
    Haryana state collection on Jan = 5454 lakhs
    Percentage = 5454/28869 *100 = 18.8%.


  5. If 10% of Tax collection in the month march in Odissa was allocate for cyclone disaster. Also, 2000 crore was released by the central government for odissa restoration. Find the amount of compensation .
    796.5 cr
    279.5 cr
    2796.5 cr
    296.5 cr
    279.5 cr
    Option C
    10% of 7965 = 796.5 lakhs was allocated by odissa government.
    Total compensation amount = 2000 cr + 796.5 lakhs=2796.5 cr


  6. Directions (6-10): Study the following and answer the questions that follow: Raymond, a Jean seller bought 720 Jeans of 3 different types (J1, J2 and J3) in the ratio 4: 5: 3. They sell the Jeans based on market demand. On the 1st month he sell 10% of the total volume. On the 2nd month they sell (40/3) % of the total volume. On the 3rd month they sell (35/3) % of the total volume. On the 4th month they sell 20% of the total volume. On the 5th month they sell 33(1/3) % of the total volume. On the 6th month they sell the same volume on the 3rd month.
    The cost of each J1, J2 and J3 Jeans is Rs. 450, Rs. 540 and Rs. 600 respectively. On each month they sell the Jeans of each variety in the same ratio as they bought.
  7. If on the 3rd month they sell J3 Jean for a price which is more than 20% than their cost price whereas the other two Jeans are sold at their cost price, then find the total amount received by Raymond by selling the Jeans on the 3rd month?
    Option C
    Total Jeans = 720
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 720 * 4/12 = 240
    J2 type Jeans = 720 * 5/12 = 300
    J3 type Jeans = 720 * 3/12 = 180
    On the 1st month:
    Total Jeans sold = 720 * 10/100 = 72
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 72 * 4/12 = 24
    J2 type Jeans = 72 * 5/12 = 30
    J3 type Jeans = 72 * 3/12 = 18
    On the 2nd month:
    Total Jeans sold = 720 * 40/300 = 96
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 96 * 4/12 = 32
    J2 type Jeans = 96 * 5/12 = 40
    J3 type Jeans = 96 * 3/12 = 24
    On the 3rd month:
    Total Jeans sold = 720 * 35/300 = 84
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 84 * 4/12 = 28
    J2 type Jeans = 84 * 5/12 = 35
    J3 type Jeans = 84 * 3/12 = 21
    On the 4th month:
    Total Jeans sold = 720 * 20/100 = 144
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 144 * 4/12 = 48
    J2 type Jeans = 144 * 5/12 = 60
    J3 type Jeans = 144 * 3/12 = 36
    On the 5th month:
    Total Jeans sold = 720 * 100/300 = 240
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 240 * 4/12 = 80
    J2 type Jeans = 240 * 5/12 = 100
    J3 type Jeans = 240 * 3/12 = 60
    On the 6th month:
    Total Jeans sold = 720 * 35/300 = 84
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 84 * 4/12 = 28
    J2 type Jeans = 84 * 5/12 = 35
    J3 type Jeans = 84 * 3/12 = 21

    6) Answer: c)
    The cost of each J1, J2 and J3 Jean is Rs.450, Rs. 540 and Rs.600 respectively
    The selling price of each J1, J2 and J3 Jean is,
    SP of J1 = CP of J1 = 450
    SP of J2 = CP of J2 = 540
    SP of J3 = 120% of CP of J3 = (120/100)*600 = 720
    Total amount received by Raymond = (28 *450) + (35*540) + (21*720)
    = 12600 + 18900 + 15120
    = Rs. 46620


  8. If on the 4th month they marks up 60% for all the three type of Jeans and allows 20%, 15% and 18% discount on J1, J2 and J3 type Jeans respectively. Find the total amount received by Raymond by selling the Jeans on the 4th month?
    Rs. 2111.2
    Rs. 3051.2
    Rs. 1000.2
    Rs. 200051.2
    Rs. 10051.2
    MP of J1 type Jeans = 450 * 160/100 = 720
    SP of J1 type Jeans = 720 * 80/100 = 576
    MP of J2 type Jeans = 540 * 160/100 = 864
    SP of J2 type Jeans = 864 * 85/100 = 734.4
    MP of J3 type Jeans = 600 * 160/100 = 960
    SP of J3 type Jeans = 960 * 82/100 = 787.2
    Total amount received by Raymond
    = (48*576) + (60*734.4) + (36*787.2)
    = 27648 + 44064 + 28339.2
    = Rs. 100051.2


  9. Total J1 type Jeans sold on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th month is what percentage more/less than the total J3 type Jeans sold on the 1st, 5th and 6th month?
    Option A
    Total J1 type Jeans sold on 2nd, 3rd and 4th month
    = 32 + 28 + 48 = 108
    Total J3 type Jeans sold on the 1st, 5th and 6th month
    = 18 + 60 + 21 = 99
    Required percentage = [(108 – 99)/99] *100 = 9.09%


  10. In which of the following month the amount received by Raymond is maximum if all the Jeans sold the same as cost price?
    Option E
    On the 1st month,
    Total amount = (24*450) + (30*540) + (18*600)
    = 10800 + 16200 + 10800
    = 37800
    On the 2nd month,
    Total amount = (32*450) + (40*540) + (24*600)
    = 14400 + 21600 + 14400
    = 50400
    On the 3rd month,
    Total amount = (28*450) + (35*540) + (21*600)
    = 12600 + 18900 + 12600
    = 44100
    On the 4th month,
    Total amount = (48*450) + (60*540) + (36*600)
    = 21600 + 32400 + 21600
    = 75600
    On the 5th month,
    Total amount = (80*450) + (100*540) + (60*600)
    = 36000 + 54000 + 36000
    = 126000
    On the 6th month,
    Total amount = (28*450) + (35*540) + (21*600)
    = 12600 + 18900 + 12600
    = 44100
    On 5th month, Raymond received the maximum amount.


  11. It is known that 25% of the Jeans were slightly damaged in each month. If Raymond managed to sell the Jeans which were slightly damaged at 20% loss, then find the amount made by Raymond for selling the damaged Jeans on the 2nd, 4th and 5th month. (Consider the ratio of the damaged Jeans in the three categories is same as the ratio which they bought)?
    Rs. 50455
    Rs. 50000
    Rs. 70400
    Rs. 20400
    Rs. 50400
    Option E
    Total damaged Jeans = 720 * 25/100 = 180
    SP of J1 type Jeans = 450 *80/100 = 360
    SP of J2 type Jeans = 540 * 80/100 = 432
    SP of J3 type Jeans = 600 * 80/100 = 480
    On the 2nd month:
    Total damaged Jeans sold = 96 * 25/100 = 24
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 24 * 4/12 = 8
    J2 type Jeans = 24 * 5/12 = 10
    J3 type Jeans = 24 * 3/12 = 6
    Total amount received by Raymond
    = (8*360) + (10*432) + (6*480)
    = 2880 + 4320 + 2880
    = Rs. 10080
    On the 4th month:
    Total damaged Jeans sold = 144 * 25/100 = 36
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 36 * 4/12 = 12
    J2 type Jeans = 36 * 5/12 = 15
    J3 type Jeans = 36 * 3/12 = 9
    Total amount received by Raymond
    = (12*360) + (15*432) + (9*480)
    = 4320 + 6480 + 4320
    = Rs. 15120
    On the 5th month:
    Total damaged Jeans sold = 240 * 25/100 = 60
    Ratio of J1, J2 and J3 is 4: 5: 3
    J1 type Jeans = 60 * 4/12 = 20
    J2 type Jeans = 60 * 5/12 = 25
    J3 type Jeans = 60 * 3/12 = 15
    Total amount received by Raymond
    = (20*360) + (25*432) + (15*480)
    = 7200 + 10800 + 7200
    = 25200
    Total amount = 10080 + 15120 + 25200 = Rs. 50400


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