Monday, February 24, 2020

Mixed English Questions for Mains Exam — Set 255

Directions(1-6): In the given question, a part of the sentence is given in brackets. Below the sentence, alternatives to the emboldened part are given as (A), (B), (C) and (D), which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given five options. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer will be option (E), i.e., "No correction required".

  1. India has had a long history (of political parties propel welfare schemes, but without withdrawing overlapping) schemes of the past.

    i. of political parties propel welfare scheme, but without withdrawing overlapping
    ii. of political parties propelling welfare schemes, but without withdrawing overlapping
    iii. in political parties propel welfare schemes, and without withdrawing overlapping
    Only i
    Only ii
    Only iii
    Both i and ii
    No correction required
    Option B


  2. On-going technological innovations will ensure there will continue to be newer ways (to envy customer experience).

    i. to enhance customer experience
    ii. to arrange customer experience
    iii. to experience customer
    Only i
    Only ii
    Only iii
    Both ii and iii
    No correction required
    Option A


  3. With more businesses (move their operation online), vast amounts of financial and critical business – related data is now stored in data centers.

    i. move them operations online
    ii. moving their tasks on the web
    iii. moving their operations online
    Only i
    Only ii
    Only iii
    Only ii and iii
    No correction required
    Option D


  4. If you (are not confident) in speaking in a range of different situations then you need practice.

    i. are no confident
    ii. are under confidence
    iii. are non-confident
    Only i
    Only ii
    Only iii
    Only ii and iii
    No correction required
    Option E


  5. (A suggestion by scientists) that increasing temperatures due to climate change may be allowing armadillos to move into more habitats.

    i. Some scientists have suggest
    ii. Scientists suggest
    iii. As suggested by scientists
    Only i
    Only ii
    Only iii
    Both i and ii
    No correction required
    Option B


  6. First discovered in 1859 by the prominent scientist Alfred Russel Wallace, the plant species could not be located again, and it (was presumed extinct).

    i. was presumed to be extinction
    ii. was considerably extinct
    iii. on the brink of extinction
    Only i
    Only ii
    Only iii
    Only ii and iii
    No correction required
    Option E


  7. Directions(7-10): In the following questions, four words are given of which two are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find that pair of words and indicate your answer by marking the option which represents the correct combination.

  8. a) Cognition
    b) Cognate
    c) Comprehension
    d) Condescending
    Option A
    ‘Cognition’ means the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. ‘Cognate’ means to be connected. ‘Comprehension’ means the ability to understand something. ‘Condescending’ means having or showing an attitude of patronizing superiority.


  9. a) Proponent
    b) Advocate
    c) Probate
    d) Addendum
    Option C
    ‘Proponent’ means a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action.
    ‘Advocate’ a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
    ‘Probate’ means the official proving of a will.
    ‘Addendum’ means an item of additional material added at the end of a book or other publication.


  10. a) Platonic
    b) Indestructible
    c) Plausible
    d) Inconceivable
    Option D
    ‘Platonic’ means (of love or friendship) intimate and affectionate but not sexual. ‘Indestructible’ means not able to be destroyed. ‘Plausible’ means (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable. ‘inconceivable’ means unbelievable.


  11. a) Amorous
    b) Inchoate
    c) Amorphous
    d) Incense
    Option E
    ‘Amorous’ means showing, feeling, or relating to desire.
    ‘Inchoate’ means just begun and so not fully formed or developed.
    ‘Amorphous’ means without a clearly defined shape or form.
    ‘Incense’ means perfume with incense or a similar fragrance.


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