Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mixed Reasoning Questions for Upcoming Exams(for mains exam) – Set 136

Directions (1-5) : Study the information and answer the questions : Seven persons of different posts i.e. CMD, Manager and Assistant of different ages i.e. 23, 27, 30, 32, 41, 44 and 55 (in years) work in different companies i.e.TCS , Google , Microsoft , HCL , IBM , Databorough and Apple . All information is not necessarily in same order. At least two persons are in each post. The person of prime numbered age doesn’t work in Microsoft and Google. The persons who work in TCS and Apple are in same posts, but both are not Manager. There is 5 years difference in ages of the persons work in Databorough and Google. The age of the person who is manager in HCL is divisible by 3. Youngest person is not CMD. The age of the person who works in Apple is divisible by 5. The persons of even numbered age are in same posts. The age difference between the persons work in Google and TCS is 9 years. The post of youngest and oldest person is not same.
  1. What is the age of the one who works in Google?
    Cannot be determined
    None of these
    Option A


  2. The one who is oldest person, works in which of the following company?
    None of these
    Option B


  3. What is the age difference between the one who works in TCS and the one who works in IBM?
    None of these
    Option C


  4. The one who is manager works in which company?
    None of these
    Option D


  5. What is the age of the one who works in HCL?
    None of these
    Option C

  6. Directions (6-8) : Study the information and answer the questions : a) B & C means B is 8 m west of C. b) B % C means B is 9 m South of C. c) B * C means B is 5 m North of C. d) B @ C means B is 2 m East of C.

  7. If the expression ‘K*U%V@C*E&S’ is true, what is the shortest distance between E and U?
    6 m
    2√5 m
    3 m
    4 m
    None of these
    Option B


  8. If the expression ‘I&R%Q&G*N@Y’ is true, what is the direction of I with respect to Y?
    South West
    None of these
    Option D


  9. If the expression ‘B%Z*F@T%Y@J*C’ is true, what is the shortest distance between C and B?
    2 m
    9 m
    10 m
    7 m
    None of these
    Option E

  10. Directions (9-10) : Study the information and answer the questions : There are seven members of three generation in a family. There are three male members in the family. L has two children. B is father of C. L is grandmother of E. C is sister in law of N. D is father of G. D is son in law of B. G is grandson of L. N is aunt of E. N is unmarried.

  11. Who is the daughter in law of L?
    Cannot be determined
    None of these
    Option C


  12. How is D related to E?
    Son in law
    Mother in law
    None of these
    Option D


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