Quantitative Aptitude: Data Interpretation Questions Set 118
Directions(1-5): Given below is the table showing the average marks scored by students of five various classes of five different schools in annual examination. Study the table carefully and answer the questions based on it.
Students of class IV in school D scored a total of 7000 marks while the students of class VI of same school scored a total of 10,400 marks. Find the difference in number of students of these two classes.
Option D Number of students in class IV = 7000/280 = 25 Number of students in class VI = 10400/260 = 40 Required difference = 15
In school E, the students of class V scored a total of 11900 marks. But in revision of mark sheet it was found that marks of five students were misread as 280, 370, 480, 450 and 320 instead of 420, 400, 310, 200 and 210 respectively. Find the new average (approximate) after correction.
Option C Number of students in the given class = 11900/340 = 35 Change in total marks due to misread = |(280 + 370 + 480 + 450 + 320) – (420 + 400 + 310 + 200 + 210)| = |1900 − 1540| = 360 marks less Change in average marks = 340 – 360/35 ≈ 330
Which class has its average marks 160% of the average marks of class V of school B ?
Class VI school C
Class II school D
Class V school E
Class II school B
Class II school A
Option E Average marks of class V of school B = 200 So, 160% of average marks of class V of school B = 320 which is same as the average marks of class II of school A.
Find the average of numerical value of average marks of class III, V, II and VI of schools C, E, D and A respectively.
Option D Required average = 1/4 (400 + 340 + 350 + 260) = 337.5
By approximately what percent the average marks of class VI of school C is more or less than that of class IV of school E ?
Directions(6-10): The following bar graph shows the percentage of voters of different age group from five different cities of India who casted their votes in Parliament election in 2014. The total no. of voters is also mentioned with each city. Study the bar graph carefully to answer the questions that follow.
If 20% votes from each city were declared invalid, then find the total no. of valid votes casted by the voters in Parliament election.
What is the ratio of no. of voters of age group (30–40) years who casted their votes from UP and Rajasthan together to the total no. of voters of same age group from Delhi and Maharashtra together who casted their votes in the election?
Total no. of voters of age group (20-25) years from Bihar and Delhi together is what percent more or less than the total no. of voters of age group (20-25) years from UP and Rajasthan together who catsed their votes in the election (approximately)?
Option B Total no. of voters from Bihar and Delhi of age group (20–25) years = 24/ 100 × 50,000 + 20/ 100 × 35000 = 19,000 Total no. of voters from UP and Rajasthan of age group (20–25) years = 30/ 100 × 75,000 + 28 /100 × 40,000 = 33,700 Required percentage = (33,700 − 19,000)/33,700 × 100 = 44%
Find the average no. voters of age groups (30-40) years from all cities together.
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