Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mixed English Questions for upcoming Exam — Set 406

Directions(1-2): In the following question, a word is given along with its usage in sentences given in the options. Choose the option in which the use of the given word is contextually and grammatically correct.

  1. Suggest
    The Minister established a commission to suggests improvements in the educational system.
    Economic indicators suggest that a recovery is on the way.
    The consultant who suggesting using spamming to raise the company's pro
    In 1782 he prepared an elaborate report on the coinage, suggest the use of the decimal system.
    None of the above
    Option B
    ‘Suggest’ is aptly used in infinitive form in option B.
    In option A, it should be ‘suggest’ since we use an infinitive after ‘to’.
    In option C, it should be ‘suggested’ since we need the verb in the past tense here.
    In option D, it should be ‘suggesting’ because a gerund is required here.


  2. Navigate
    Unless the restaurant have a navigate wine list, I don't want to eat here.
    The guests were not allowed to navigate their own food and were instead given standardised meals at the hotel.
    The American kitchens are much more navigate than Japanese ones.
    The robot rides the elevator and navigating hallways on its own to minimise contact between guests and human staff.
    None of the above
    Option E
    The word navigate means to find its way or to travel a desired course.
    It does not fit in option A as it is a verb and we need an adjective to qualify the noun ‘wine’.
    In option B, ‘navigate’ must be replaced with ‘order’.
    In option D, navigating must be replaced with navigates, the base form of the verb in singular number.
    In option C, an adjective is needed to make sense as a comparison is made between two kitchens.


  3. Directions(3-6): In the given question, a statement with a blank has been given, followed by three words out of which more than one can complete the sentence grammatically and contextually. Find the word (s) which can fill the blank and choose the option accordingly.

  4. A diplomat who helped to bring peace between two ____________ states by mediating between them might be particularly well rewarded.
    I. Belligerent
    II. Hostile
    III. Impetuous
    All I, II and III
    Only I
    Both I and III
    Only II
    Both I and II
    Option E
    ‘Belligerent’ meaning ‘hostile and aggressive’ and ‘hostile’ meaning ‘showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly’ are apt for the blank. As 'impetuous' means acting or done quickly and without thought or care, it does not fit the blank appropriately.


  5. The massacre has left an ___________ stain on the name of Clan Campbell.
    I. Altruistic
    II. Indelible
    III. Considerate
    Only I
    Only II
    Only III
    Both I and II
    All I, II and III
    Option B


  6. A ___________ issue for the country is that the elements that propelled growth and widened India’s middle class are losing momentum.
    I. Radical
    II. Pressing
    III. Drastic
    Both I & II
    Both II & III
    Both I & III
    All I, II & III
    None of I, II & III
    Option D
    The blank requires an adjective to modify the noun ‘issue’ appropriately. All the given words are adjectives with their meanings being:
    I. Radical: believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change.
    II. Pressing: requiring quick or immediate action or attention.
    III. Drastic: likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme.


  7. She believes the turkey's refusal to let its disability ____________ him has given people both an inspiration and an escape.
    I. Establish
    II. Bind
    III. Define
    Only I
    Both II & III
    Only III
    Only II
    Both I & II
    Option B
    Among the given words, only 'define' and 'bind' can be used to fill the blank as they provide the sense of putting a limitation on something. 'Establish' means to achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for, which is incorrect in the context of the given sentence. The sentence is about a disabled turkey (bird) whose act of not revealing the disability to the observers makes the subject 'she' (Subject pronoun) believe that it is an ideal way of inspiring and escaping the situation.


  8. Directions(7-8): In the following question, a word is given, which has been used in the three statements given below it. Identify the statement(s) in which the word fits contextually to convey a logical meaning.

  9. Conflict
    I. The trouble was soon complicated by the conflict with the mother country.
    II. Reports conflicted on how much of the aid was reaching the famine victims.
    III. The conflict which followed between the Pennsylvania and the Connecticut settlers is known as the first Pennamite- Yankee War.
    Only I
    Only II
    Only III
    All I, II and III
    Both I and II
    Option D
    The meanings of the word ‘conflict’ are as follows:
    a. a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. [Noun]
    b. a prolonged armed struggle. [Noun]
    c. be incompatible or at variance; clash. [Verb]


  10. Proposal
    I. There has been an angry reaction to the government's proposal to reduce unemployment benefit.
    II. The members agreed that the proposal should be rejected.
    III. The president’s proposal was to tax a percentage of Social Security benefits for high-income people.
    Both I and III
    Only II
    Both I and II
    All I, II and III
    None of these
    Option D
    Proposal means: a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration by others. Hence option D is the correct response.


  11. Directions(9-10): In the given question, five words are printed in bold and are numbered A, B, C, D and E. The positions of some highlighted words may be incorrect and need to be exchanged with another highlighted to make the sentence correct. Find the words that need to be exchanged.

  12. On his morning run next(A) the Embankment, Adam needed(B) over the tasks(C) that still mulled(D) to be carried out along(E).
    A-E & B-D
    C-D & B-C
    No exchange required
    Option B


  13. Charles Booth argued, probably(A) correctly(B), that elderly(C) age pensions would encourage(D) children to take in old(E) parents.
    C-D & B-C
    A-B & C-E
    No exchange required
    Option C



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