Eight friends Akansha, Banya, Caryl, Dinesh, Manish, Nitin, Oman and Priyanka live on different floors of an eight storey building, ground floor is numbered 1 and top most floor is numbered 8. Dinesh lives on even numbered floor above the floor numbered 5. There are only two persons live between the floor on which Oman and Priyanka live. Akansha lives immediate above the floor on which Nitin lives. Oman lives on an even numbered floor below the floor on which Dinesh lives. Caryl lives on floor numbered 4. There are only three persons lives between Nitin and Manish who lives on odd numbered floor above the floor on which Caryl lives.
- Who among the following lives on 5th floor?
BanyaManishNitinEither a or bNone of theseOption B
- Who among the following lives immediate below Banya’s floor?
NitinOmanAkanshaCarylNone of theseOption B
- Which of the following statement is true about Priyanka?
Priyanka lives on an odd numbered floorMore than two persons live below PriyankaOnly two persons lives between Banya and PriyankaManish lives immediate above PriyankaAll are trueOption A
- Four of the following are alike in a certain way so form a group, which among the following does not belong to that group?
BanyaNitinAkanshaManishPriyankaOption C
- Akansha lives on which of the following floor?
2nd1st3rd4th5thOption A
Study the following information to answer the given questions: - Which of the following box is immediate below Fz?
AzBzDzHzCannot be determinedOption E
- Which of the following box is placed just below box Az?
EzHzBzCannot be determinedNone of theseOption A
- Which of the following box is immediate above Dz?
AzHzCzEither b or cNone of theseOption B
- How many boxes are placed between Cz and Dz?
31245Option A
- Which of the following box is placed at the top?
GzFzAzEither a or bNone of theseOption D
Eight cartons Az, Bz, Cz, Dz, Ez, Fz, Gz and Hz are placed one above each other. More than two boxes are placed below Az. Two boxes are placed between Az and Dz. Only one box is placed between Dz and Ez. Two boxes is between Cz and Hz and Cz is above Hz. More than two boxes is between Gz and Fz. Box Bz is immediate above box Cz. Box Az placed above box Dz.
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