Saturday, April 17, 2021

Mixed Reasoning Questions for Upcoming Exams – Set 202

  1. Looking at a picture of a boy, Hiren said, “His mother is the wife of my father’s son. Brothers and sisters I have none.” At whose picture was Hiren looking?
    His nephew
    His cousin
    His son
    His uncle
    none of these
    Option C
    Correct Option: C
    Since Hiren has no brother or sister, so he is his father’s only son.
    So, wife of Hiren’s father’s son — Hiren’s wife.
    Thus, Hiren’s wife is the boy’s mother or the boy is Hiren’s son.


  2. When Arun saw Sanju, he recalled, “He is the son of the father of my daughter’s mother.” Who is Sanju to Arun?
    Option B
    Correct Option: B
    Arun’s daughter’s mother — Arun’s wife; Arun’s wife’s father — Arun’s father-in-law; Father-in-law’s son — Arun’s brother-in-law.
    So, Sanju is Arun’s brother-in-law.


  3. Pointing to a lady, Sam said, “She is the daughter of the only child of my grandmother.” How is the lady related to Sam?
    data inadequate
    none of these
    Option C
    Correct Option: C
    Only child of Sam’s grandmother — Sam’s father/mother.

    Daughter of Sam’s father/mother — Sam’s sister.


  4. Directions: These questions are based on the following arrangement :

    J Y 2 = S * α E G M Δ 7 $ H P 9 K L & @ W Q 1 3 # C D ©

    How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is either immediately followed by a number of immediately preceded by a letter, but not both ?
    none of these
    Option D
    Correct Option: D
    There are three symbols (*, &, ©) that satisfy the given condition.


  5. Directions: These questions are based on the following arrangement :

    J Y 2 = S * α E G M Δ 7 $ H P 9 K L & @ W Q 1 3 # C D ©

    How many such letters are there in the above arrangement each of which is either immediately followed by a number or immediately preceded by a symbol, but not both ?
    none of these
    Option D
    Correct Option: D
    There are eight letters (Y, S, E, H, P, W, Q, C) that satisfy the given condition.


  6. Directions: These questions are based on the following arrangement :

    J Y 2 = S * α E G M Δ 7 $ H P 9 K L & @ W Q 1 3 # C D ©

    How many such numbers are there each of which is either immediately followed by a symbol or immediately preceded by a letter, but not both ?
    none of these
    Option C
    Correct Option: C

    There are four numbers (7, 9, 1, 3) that satisfy the given condition


  7. Directions: These questions are based on the following arrangement :

    J Y 2 = S * α E G M Δ 7 $ H P 9 K L & @ W Q 1 3 # C D ©

    2 Y S is to E G * in the same way as P H K is to ?

    Cannot be determined
    none of these
    Option C
    Correct Option: B
    In each pair, the first, second and third elements of the first term move 5, 7 and 1 steps forward respectively to give the corresponding elements of the second term


  8. Each consonant of the word ‘TERMINATION’ is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series and each vowel is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series. If the new alphabets thus formed are arranged in alphabetical order (from left to right), which of the following will be the sixth letter from the right end?
    None of these
    Option A
    Correct Option: A
    The given word:

    T E R M I N A T I O N

    Applying the above condition, we have new word:

    S F Q L J M B S J P M

    Now, arranging in alphabetical order (from left to right)

    B F J J L M M P Q S S

    Hence, M is sixth from the right.


  9. In the word 'DOORSTEP' if all the vowels are replaced with the letter immediate next to it in the english alphabet series and all the consonants are replaced with the letter immediate before it in the english alphabet series, then how many vowels are there in the new word so formed?
    More than Two
    None of these
    Option B
    Correct Option: B
    Given word and the new word after the given rearrangement:

    D O O R S T E P
    C P P Q R S F O

    Thus 'O' is the only vowel in the new arrangement.


  10. How many such pair(s) of letters are there in the word ‘POCKETBOOK’ which have as many letters between them as in the alphabetical series as we move from left to right?
    none of these
    Option B
    Correct Option: B
    We have,

    The given word = POCKETBOO
    we can observe that there are only two such possible pairs of letters which satisfies the given conditions.


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