Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Current Affairs Quiz: April 7, 2021

Current Affairs 7 April 2021 Quiz

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Quiz from Current Affairs 6 April 2021 of A2Z – Click Here to Read Current Affairs of April 6, 2021
  1. Which country registered world’s first Covid vaccine Carnivac for animals?
    A) Russia
    B) India
    C) USA
    D) Canada

  2. How much amount of loan was approved by World Bank and AIIB for canal based water drinking projects in Punjab?
    A) USD 500 million
    B) USD 450 million
    C) USD 400 million
    D) USD 300 million

  3. How much amount of loan was approved by World bank to boost health services in Mizoram?
    A) USD 50 million
    B) USD 40 million
    C) USD 45 million
    D) USD 32 million

  4. Which organisation tightened supervision norms for payment companies amid rising cyber security breaches?
    A) SIDBI
    B) IRDA
    C) RBI
    D) NPCI

  5. Which payment aggregator signed a partnership with JP Morgan to offer online solution to bank’s corporate clients in IndiA?
    A) Billdesk
    B) Instamojo
    C) Mobikwik
    D) Paytm

  6. Which became the first company to cross billion transaction mark on UPI?
    A) Paytm
    B) PhonePe
    C) Google Pay
    D) Amazon Pay

  7. How much amount was cleared by RBI towards Cash Credit Limit for wheat procurement in Punjab?
    A) ₹ 21658 cr
    B) ₹ 22355 cr
    C) ₹ 21456 cr
    D) ₹ 22565 cr

  8. In which city,Singapore Exchange Limited will be establishing its offshore unit?
    A) Gandhinagar
    B) Surat
    C) Vadodara
    D) Ahmedabad

  9. Recently World Trade Organisation has revised its growth for global merchandise trade volume in 2021 at what percent?
    A) 7.5%
    B) 8%
    C) 8.5%
    D) 6.0%

  10. India’s federal fiscal deficit for April -February hit what percent of revised full year target budget?
    A) 76%
    B) 75%
    C) 74%
    D) 72%

  11. As per report,gross NPAs of banks May rise to what percent by March end?
    A) 9.6-9.7%
    B) 9.8-9.9%
    C) 7.0-7.5%
    D) 7.6–7.9%

  12. Which country has been leading the list of investor countries to invest in India with 29.09% of the total FDI Equity inflows during January, 2021?
    A) Japan
    B) Singapore
    C) UAE
    D) Israel

  13. Who was appointed as new director general of National Council of Applied Economic Research?
    A) Anish Khare
    B) Poonam Gupta
    C) Malvika Bansod
    D) Pratyush Shukla

  14. Who has been appointed as 48th Chief Justice of India?
    A) RN Niranjan
    B) KL Sharma
    C) SA Bobde
    D) NV Ramana

  15. Recently Pham Minh Chinh was appointed as next Prime Mimister of which country?
    B) Vietnam
    C) Thailand
    D) SIngapore

  16. Who has won 2020 ACM AM Turing Award?
    A) Alfred Vaino Aho
    B) Jeffrey David Ullman
    C) Robert Discosta
    D) Both a and b

  17. Which organisation flagged off Akashmissiles for delivery to Indian Army?
    A) Bharat Dynamic Limited
    B) DRDo
    C) ISRO

  18. Recently which institution developed touch sensitive watch for the visually impaired persons?
    A) IIT Kanpur
    B) IISc Bengaluru
    C) IITMadras
    D) IIT Bombay

  19. Recently Bhagwati Singh passed away.She was related to the which field?
    A) Politics
    B) Author
    C) Sports
    D) Actress

  20. Recently Physicist Isamu Akasaki passed away.He belongs to which nation?
    A) China
    B) Japan
    C) Vietnam
    D) Thailand

  21. Who is the author of book “Wisdom for Start-ups from Grownups: Discovering Corporate Ayurveda”?
    A) R Narayanan
    B) R Gopalakrishnan
    C) LV Sinha
    D) Both a and b

  22. Who is the author of book “Cinema Through Rasa”?
    A) Prachand Praveer
    B) Sharbina Basu
    C) Praveen Sinh
    D) Raja Gopal Chari


  1. Where is the HQ of World Bank?
    A) Washington
    B) NewYork
    C) London
    D) Rome

  2. Where is the HQ of PhonePe?
    A) Noida
    B) Mumbai
    C) Bengaluru
    D) Chennai

  3. Where is the HQ of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?
    A) Amsterdam
    B) Rome
    C) Beijing
    D) Shanghai

  4. Where is the HQ of World Trade organisation?
    A) Geneva
    B) Rome
    C) Bangkok
    D) NewYork

  5. What is the currency of Vietnam?
    A) Peso
    B) Yen
    C) Dong
    D) Rupee

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