Monday, March 16, 2020

Mixed English Questions for Mains Exam — Set 264

Directions(1-7): In the following passage, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers correspond to the question numbers. Against each question, five options with two words in each have been suggested (both the words should fit the given blank). Mark the suitable word as the answer.

North Korean athletes will not be the only (1) participants at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang in South Korea, which begins on February 9. Anyone can take part, at least (2). Many contestants will be watched by 360-degree video cameras, able to stream footage via a wireless network.
At certain venues around the country, sports fans will be able to (3) virtual-reality, head-mounted displays to get right into the action. Flying alongside a ski jumper, for instance, will offer an adrenalin rush without any risk of a hard landing.
These virtual experiences will be offered by KT, South Korea’s largest telecoms firm. They are meant to (4) the latest generation of wireless technology, known as “5G”. But just as ski jumpers never know exactly how far they will leap after leaving the ramp, it is (5) where 5G will land.
On paper, the new technology should go far. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a UN body which helps develop technical standards, has agreed on a/an (6) set of requirements for the technology. It should offer download speeds of at least 20 gigabits per second, response times or “latency” of less than 1 millisecond and the ability to connect at least 1m devices in one square kilometer.
So 5G networks are supposed to be able to transfer a full-length, high-resolution film in two seconds, respond to requests in less than a hundredth of the time it takes to blink an eye and (7) serve cities that are densely packed with connected humans and devices.
  1. Creating, Imitating
    Surrounding, Encircling
    Unusual, Distinctive
    Flippant, Careless
    Recluse, Introvert
    Option C
    ‘Imitate’ means copy or simulate, ‘Flippant’ means not showing a serious or respectful attitude, ‘Recluse’ means a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people, and ‘Introvert’ means a shy, reticent person.


  2. Virtually, Indirectly
    Recorded, Notedly
    Directly, Visciously
    Sequentially, Expressively
    Actually, Exactly
    Option A
    Viciously- brutally
    Sequentially- in a sequence


  3. Smash, Destroy
    Don, Try
    Juggle, Balance
    Flaunt, Appraise
    Replete, Excess
    Option B
    The word ‘don’ means to put on something;
    ‘Smash’ means violently break (something) into pieces, ‘Juggle’ means continuously toss into the air and catch (a number of objects) so as to keep at least one in the air while handling the others, ‘Flaunt’ means display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance, ‘Replete’ means filled or well-supplied with something.


  4. Claim, Assert
    Benign, Benefit
    Innovate, Insecure
    Showcase, Exhibit
    Dictate, Reprimand
    Option D
    The word ‘showcase’ means to display. ‘Claim’ means state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof, ‘Assert’ means state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully, ‘Benign’ means gentle and kind, ‘Dictate’ means state or order authoritatively, ‘Reprimand’ means a formal expression of disapproval.


  5. Unclear, Doubtful
    Deep, Certain
    Cliche, Banal
    Zenith, Nadir
    Guile, Entertaining
    Option A
    ‘Cliché’ means a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought. ‘Banal’ means so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. ‘Zenith’ means the time at which something is most powerful or successful. ‘Nadir’ means the lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation, ‘Guile’ means sly or cunning intelligence.


  6. Nonetheless, Fruitless
    Excruciating, Steep
    Sublime, Noble
    Defining, Trivial
    Ambitious, Exacting
    Option E
    ‘Ambitious’ means (of a plan or piece of work) intended to satisfy high aspirations and therefore difficult to achieve. The word ‘Exacting’ means making great demands on one's skill, attention, or other resources.
    ‘Excruciating’ means very embarrassing, awkward, or tedious. ‘Sublime’ means of very great excellence or beauty. ‘Trivial’ means of little value or importance.


  7. Religiously, Miserly
    Facilely, Effortlessly
    Fleetingly, Efficiently
    Bravely, Courageously
    Nimbly, Naively
    Option B
    The word ‘facilely’ means achieving something without much difficulty, which is similar to the word ‘effortlessly’.
    ‘Miser’ means a person who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible. ‘Fleetingly’ means for a very short time. ‘Nimble’ means quick and light in movement or action; agile. ‘Naïve’ means (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.


  8. Directions(8-10): In the following question, a short passage with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank is given. Select the best out of the five answer choices given, to make the passage complete and coherent (coherent means logically complete and sound).

  9. In principle, a cohesive group-one whose members generally agree with one another and support one another’s judgment-can do a much better job at decision–making than it could if it were non-cohesive. __________________. To overcome this fear, participants in the group’s deliberation need to be confident that they are members in good standing and that the others will continue to value their role in the group, whether or not they agree about a particular issue under discussion.
    When cohesiveness is lacking entirely, compliance out of fear of recrimination is likely to be the strongest.
    But group cohesiveness has always a fear of pitfalls as well.
    Typically, the more cohesive a group becomes, the less its members deliberately censor what they say out of fear of being punished socially.
    Members can decide that any fears of misgivings they feel are not worth-pursuing.
    However, there is always a little speck of fear as to when the thinking of participants starts to clash.
    Option A


  10. When magma comes close to the surface it heats ground water found trapped in porous rock or water running along fractured rock surfaces and faults. Such hydrothermal resources have two common ingredients: water (hydro) and heat (thermal). ________________________. Geologists use different methods to look for geothermal reservoirs. Drilling a well and testing the temperature deep underground is the only way to be sure a geothermal reservoir really exists.
    The direct use of hot water as an energy source has been happening since ancient times.
    After bathing, the most common direct use of geothermal energy is for heating buildings through district heating systems.
    Direct use and heating applications have almost no negative impact on the environment.
    The mantle which surrounds the core and is about 1800 miles thick.
    Naturally occurring large areas of hydrothermal resources of are called geothermal reservoirs.
    Option E


  11. It is welcome that the government is considering reform of public sector bankers’ pay, and stock options and bonuses are being examined. Banking culture has to change dramatically, particularly in the public sector, and the only way to attract and retain top talent is to reward them as well as alternative employment would. ________________________________ to reward them for sound decisions and the hard work that must necessarily precede the hard work.
    Banks have to transport money to different branches, stuff ATMs, spend money on guards, note-counting machines etc. Shops and establishments have to pay for security.
    Put your thumb to a merchant's payment terminal and the specified amount would be deducted from your bank account.
    The RBI has to print notes, lug them around in currency chests, replace them periodically with new notes and destroy the replaced notes.
    Bankers would abandon underhand methods of enriching themselves if open, transparent mechanisms are instituted.
    The saving should be deployed to pay for the cost of carrying out digital payments.
    Option D


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