Monday, October 18, 2021

Computer Awareness for Upcoming Exams Set 118

  1. Which of the following parameter passing mechanism(s) is/are supported by C++, but not by C?
    A) Pass by result
    B) Pass by value-result
    C) Pass by reference
    D) Pass by value

  2. Which of the following stores recently used information so that it can be quickly accessed at a later time?
    A) Hard Disk
    B) Cache
    C) Virtual Memory
    D) Cookie

  3. WORM is a data storage technology that prevents the drive from erasing the data. What is the full form of WORM?
    A) Write Once, Read Many
    B) Write Once, Read Much
    C) Write Once, Read More
    D) Write Out, Read Many

  4. Large transaction processing systems in automated organisations use ____?
    A) Online Processing
    B) Once-a-day Processing
    C) Batch Processing
    D) End-of-day Processing

  5. How are the four main components of a computer interconnected internally?
    A) Cars
    B) Buses
    C) Lines
    D) Rods

  6. Which of the following describes the maximum data transfer rate of a network or Internet connection?
    A) Protocol
    B) Speed
    C) Bandwidth
    D) ISP

  7. Which among the following is the shortcut key combination to copy formatting from text?
    A) Ctrl + Shift + C
    B) Tab + Shift + C
    C) Alt + Shift + C
    D) F1 + Shift + C

  8. On which of the following principle does the cache memory works?
    A) Principal of spatial
    B) Principle of memory
    C) Principle of processing
    D) Principle of locality

  9. Computer based record keeping system is known as the ____?
    A) DMS
    B) CRKS
    C) DBMS
    D) SQL

  10. ERP is an acronym for ______?
    A) Enterprise Reorder Planning
    B) Enterprise Resource Planning
    C) Enterprise Relationship Planning
    D) Enterprise Retirement Planning

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