Thursday, April 30, 2020

Mixed Reasoning Questions for Upcoming Exams – Set 147

Directions (1-5) : In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by two conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. STATEMENTS: a)Some A are O. b)Some G are P. c)No O is P.
  1. CONCLUSION: a) Some A are not G. b) Some G are not O.
    Only conclusion a follows
    Only conclusion b follows
    Either conclusion a or b follows
    Neither conclusion a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option B


  2. STATEMENTS: a)Only a few S are C. b)All C is D. c)Some D are A. CONCLUSION: a) Some S are A. b) All D being S is possibility.
    Only conclusion a follows
    Only conclusion b follows
    Either conclusion a or b follows
    Neither conclusion a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option B


  3. STATEMENTS: a)Only A is B. b)Some A is P. c)All P is N. CONCLUSION: a)Some N is B. b) Some P is B.
    Only conclusion a follows
    Only conclusion b follows
    Either conclusion a or b follows
    Neither conclusion a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option D


  4. STATEMENTS: a)Only a few M is G. b)Only a few G are A. c)Some A is L. CONCLUSIONS: a)All A can be M. b) Some L is G.
    Only conclusion a follows
    Only conclusion b follows
    Either conclusion a or b follows
    Neither conclusion a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option A


  5. STATEMENTS: a)All S are I. b)All I are T. c)No I is C. CONCLUSIONS: a)Some T are not C. b)All C are not S.
    Only conclusion a follows
    Only conclusion b follows
    Either conclusion a or b follows
    Neither conclusion a or b follows
    Both a and b follows
    Option E

  6. Directions (6-10) : Study the information and answer the questions : Mani, Niharika, Oman, Priyal, Yash, Rakesh and Simon are seven friends live on seven different floors of a building, lowermost floor of the building is numbered as 1, and topmost floor is numbered as 7, Also they belong to different countries i.e. Persia, Austria, Iceland, Hungary, Myanmar, Cuba, and Malaysia (not necessarily in the same order).Yash lives on an even numbered floor. Two people live between Yash and Rakesh, who doesn’t belong to Austria. The one who lives just above Yash belongs to Hungary. The one, who belongs to Persia, lives on an even numbered floor. Only one person lives between the ones who belong to Hungary and Priyal. Rakesh doesn’t live on 7th floor. The one who is from Hungary is not Niharika and neither lives on 1st and topmost floor. Simon belongs to Iceland and lives just above Niharika, who doesn’t live on 2nd floor. Oman belongs to Myanmar. The one, who belongs to Cuba, lives on an even numbered floor below Niharika. Mani doesn’t live below Oman’s floor.

  7. Who among the following belongs to Austria?
    None of these
    Option A


  8. Which of the following combinations is true with respect to the given arrangement?
    All are true
    Option B


  9. Niharika belongs to which country?
    None of these
    Option C


  10. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?
    Only one people live above Simon
    Rakesh belongs to Malaysia
    Mani belongs to Cuba
    Yash lives on 3rd floor
    All are true
    Option B


  11. Who amongst the following lives on the floor numbered 2?
    The one who belong to Myanmar
    None of these
    Option C


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