The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure more (1) in governance. The Prime Minister’s announcement that his Government is (2) drafting legilsation to (3) the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to information is not new, we may (4) the bill to be brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level committee to (5) a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter since, (6) the committee did quite some work. The issue,
however, has come to such a pass that a solution cannot be (7) further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while (8) the unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the (9) to provide them with answers, (10) of authority, or of public finances, for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.
- strictnessrudenessleniencyeconomytransparencyOption E
Leniency = not severe, especially in punishing
- personallybusynotreluctantlyabsolutelyOption B
- presumptionabsolvecurbquestionestablishOption E
Absolve = to declare that somebody is free of guilt, blame etc.
Curb = to prevent something from getting out of control
Presumption = the action of supposing something to be true
- expecttrywaitfrustrateappealOption A
- levelregardprepareenactunearthOption C
- evenasbecauseuntilthoughOption E
- foundexpecteddelayedlookedlongedOption C
Long = to wait something very much; to have a strong desire for something or to do something
- nurturingcriticisingupholdingdemandingappreciatingOption B
Uphold = to support or confirm a decision, belief etc which has been questioned
- pretentiousaffectsubstanceobligationpropertyOption D
Pretentious = claiming importance, value or style, especially without good cause.
- misusegovernancedishonourcurbingbreachOption A
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