- I.
A) This month would mark the beginning of the year-long celebration
B) Gandhi lives on primarily because of the sheer force of his ideas;
C) Both capitalism and communism have failed us in terms of finding a
D) not because we have put them into practice.
E) for the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
F) answer to unemployment and environmental threats.B-D and C-FA-E, B-F and C-DA-F and C-DB-FB-DOption E
- I
A) Now the US, home to some of the biggest multinational pharma firms, and Europe, too, are sounding the alarm
B) The study, which focuses on top-selling prescription drugs in the US, says unequivocally that patent abuse
C) The patent office has of late been ignoring the strict rules against evergreening in India’s laws and
D) are a leading cause of high drug prices today.
E) under the unethical patent practices of drug giants which are helping them to rake in humongous profits.
F) has even approved patents that have been rejected by the European Patent Office.B-D and C-FA-E, B-F and C-DC-FB-FA-E and C-FOption C
- I.
A) In 2015, India changed the methodology to measure GDP which made it inevitable for normal tracking of the economy
B) In July, the US also changed certain measures of the economy that
C) Kerala’s GDP would go up after the flood as there would be fresh investments to rebuild the state
D) to create a comparable data set for years preceding this year.
E) and this does not mean people’s lives will improve.
F) laid to a change in both the current and the past GDP growth.B-D and C-FA-E, B-F and C-DA-F and C-DB-FA-DOption E
- I
A) A global trade war has broken out where the United States fired the first salvo and
B) There are dark (unconfirmed) whispers about how it is going about acquiring
C) Global trade talks must discuss employment not just industry, it must value labour and
D) not goods as this is what is at the core of the insecurity in the world.
E) many new-age technologies by rolling over western companies operating in vast markets.
F) there has been retaliation by the European Union, Canada, China and even India.B-D and C-FA-E, B-F and C-DA-F, B-E and C-DB-FA-E and C-FOption C
- I.
A) The contemporary context of the deep polarisation on environment-capitalism line has
B) As for the farmer, the industrial capitalist and the agricultural worker, they are no more bound to the land they exploit than are the employer and the worker in the factories to the cotton and wool they manufacture;
C) It is said that Marx was just 40 when scientists started theorising on human-induced climate change and
D) them feel an attachment only for the price of their production, the monetary product.
E) added a new dimension to the much talk about notion of Marx as an anti-environment theorist.
F) his writings always insisted on the perils of alienation of human society from nature.A-EB-EB-DC-EC-FOption E
- 1) We have overwhelmingly good moral reasons to reject such a society.
A) Yet this kind of moral clarity disappears as soon as we move from politics to wealth.
B) There is a huge industry dedicated to executing the wishes of human beings after their death.
C) We believe that with death comes the loss of the right to influence the political institutions of the living.
D) Through endowments, charitable trusts, dynasty trusts, and inheritance law, trillions of dollars in the US economy and many legal institutions at all levels are tied up in executing the wishes of wealthy people who died long ago.
6) The UK does not fall far behind.ADBCDCABCADBCBDACABDOption E
- 1) Soon, an English woman joined us and began to talk about her daughter studying philosophy at university.
A) ‘She’s a deep thinker,’ the woman said.
B) After five minutes, most of the crowd was gone.
C) The remaining were mainly workers from nearby financial firms who were at present on their lunch break.
D) They were scoffing packets of crisps and stabbing at their smartphones.
6) Then, the odd passing tourist would stop, laugh and take a photo that would probably be uploaded to Facebook later that day.ABCDDCABABDCCDBAACDBOption A
- 1) So why do we continue to give the dead such eternal rights?
A) I believe we honor the wishes of the dead out of a misplaced sense of moral duty, as we would feel if we made a deathbed promise to a loved one.
B) But deathbed promises are not unconditional, eternal, nor must they be satisfied at serious self-interested, financial, or moral cost to the living.
C) They are, instead, a lot like living promises.
D) If I promise my child some candy but, through no fault of my own, the only available candy must be acquired at serious moral cost to some current candy-owner, it is not morally obligatory to fulfill this promise.
6) A promise itself holds some moral weight, but not overriding moral weight.BCDACBDAADBCBADCABCDOption E
- 1) I held my two deckchairs on a noisy underground train, and contemplated what I had learned from my first experience with pop-up philosophy.
A) I certainly felt much calmer.
D) Still, I also felt disappointment that only tourists had joined in with my experiment.
B) Would someone not on vacation allow herself the luxury of sitting down and thinking for a few moments?
C) The question bothered me, in part because I couldn’t focus my own mind and just think for a few hours.
6) One consideration made me suspect pop-up philosophy had not been an entire failure: once I broke through the desire to focus on something, simple mind-wandering seemed to be an altogether pleasant experience.ABCDADBCBDCACDBADABCOption B
- 1) In fact, the idea that the dead could lose their rights to control the future is familiar in our moral lives, and this idea gets reflected elsewhere in the law.
A) The state does not enforce your desire that your spouse should not remarry.
B) These kinds of posthumous desires carry little weight in our deliberations about what we should do now, and we certainly do not erect legal institutions to enforce these kinds of preferences.
C) Even if your spouse promises this to you on your deathbed, it would not be illegal for her to break this promise.
D) Businesses do not feel obligated to carry out the wishes of their now-dead founders, even if those founders had strong preferences about the future of the business.
6) However, when it comes to the wishes of the dead with respect to their personal wealth, we grant them many rights.DCBAACDBCDABBDCAABDCOption B
Directions(6-10): The given sentences 1, A, B, C, D and 6, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the five given choices to construct a coherent paragraph keeping 1 and 6 as the first and the last statements respectively.
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