Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mixed English Questions for Mains Exam — Set 203

Directions(1-5): In these questions, two columns I and II and three sentences are given, which are divided into two parts. Column I (A, B and C) consists of first half of each sentence and Column II (D, E and F) consists of second half of each sentence. Match column I with column II, so that the sentences formed are both meaningful and grammatically correct. Choose the option as your answer.
  1. I.
    A) We talk and plan and dream about nothing but
    B) There were many people in his dream, and
    C) Everything I found in books that pleased me I retained in my memory
    D) a big part of who I am and I have no desire to trade any of it away.
    E) excited to see her dressed up for the occasion.
    F) he thought he should remember them.
    BE and CF
    AE, BF and CD
    AF and CD
    AE and CF
    Option D


  2. I.
    A) Preventive care
    B) Renewed focus and research
    C) Early detection of cancers
    D) have result in improved treatment solutions.
    E) is non-existent in India.
    F) result in five-year survival rate of 73 percent people.

    AE and CF
    BE and CF
    CD and AF
    Option E


  3. I.
    A) There is an increase of aspirations
    B) We have pioneered curating unique
    C) He ordered his team to play ugly
    D) and get the desired results.
    E) among the communities practising shifting cultivation.
    F) and exclusive sarees.
    CD and BE
    AE, BF and CD
    BF and CD
    Option C


  4. I.
    A) Apparently scrounging food off the desert
    B) He swung up on his horse and tipped his hat
    C) The rear end of the car danced sideways,
    D) Bouncing like a horse kicking up its heels.
    E) Wasn't nearly as easy as harnessing a team of mules.
    F) To her before riding into the desert.
    BE and CF
    AE, BF and CD
    AF and CD
    AE and CF
    Option B


  5. I.
    A) The rumours of petrol
    B) The body of camera make
    C) The threat of war has adversely
    D) Is highly resilient for indoor use.
    E) Shortage turned out to be false.
    F) Impacted burns as actively.
    Both AE and BD
    Both BD and CF
    Option B


  6. Directions(6-10): In the given questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the bold part are given at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e., "No correction required".

  7. A nation like India that has (been suffering centuries of foreign subjection) has every right to strengthen its defence.
    for long suffered from foreign subjection of centuries
    been suffering for the centuries of foreign subjection
    to suffer with centuries of foreign subjection
    suffered centuries of foreign subjection
    No correction required
    Option D


  8. Agriculture (had being been) at the center of negotiations in the Doha Round.
    have had being
    have been
    had being
    has been
    No correction required
    Option D


  9. Attitude is (nothing that is not much easy to) describe in a few sets of words.
    nothing that is much easy to
    something that is much easy to
    anything that is not much easy for
    something that is not much easy to
    No correction required
    Option D


  10. In view of the seriousness of the crime, the civil society is (pressed up on a fast track) decision from the court.
    pressing up on a fast track
    presses up on a fast track
    pressing for a fast track
    pressed for fast track
    No correction required
    Option C


  11. Staff in the district offices can (easily monitor whether) the payments are being made in time.
    easily be monitored
    monitor easier whether
    easy to monitor that
    monitor easily
    No correction required
    Option E


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