Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mixed English Questions for Mains Exam — Set 197

Directions(1-5): In the following questions, a word is given, which has been used in the three statements given below it. Identify the statement(s) in which the word fits contextually to convey a logical meaning.

  1. Issue
    1) The latest version of the book has been issued on the request of the reader.
    2) The principal of the school seemed to have an issue with the dress code of the students.
    3) “I issue over the present fees structure of the school”, said the new student.

    Only 2
    Both 1 and 2
    Both 2 and 3
    All 1,2,3
    None of these
    Option B
    The word ‘issue’ has more than one meaning. Firstly, it is used to produce something official, and secondly, it is used for a problem. Line 1 uses the first meaning, while line 2 uses the second meaning.


  2. Vain
    1) The operation was such a disaster that even the vains of the patient were visible.
    2) The lady officer was really vain about her uniform.
    3) The police could not arrest the thief. All of the effort went in vain.
    Only 1
    Both 1 and 2
    Both 2 and 3
    All 1,2,3
    None of these
    Option C
    The word ‘vain’ has multiple meanings.
    - The second meaning includes someone too interested about his or her achievements.
    - It means something of no value or unsuccessful.
    Line 2 uses the first meaning of the word ‘vain’, which means that the lady officer was very interested about her uniform.
    Line 3 uses the second meaning of the word, where the efforts of the police were unsuccessful since the thieves couldn’t be caught.


  3. Constitute
    1) As soon as the vaporizer gets the drops of fragrance, it constitutes across the room.
    2) Our plan blew after she refused to sell her constituted house.
    3) The world report says that women constitute almost twenty-five percent of the town population.
    Only 1
    Only 2
    Only 3
    All 1,2,3
    None of these
    Option C
    The meaning of ‘constitute’ is to be considered or included. This meaning has been used in the line 3 only, where women are shown to constitute almost twenty-five percent of the town population.


  4. Labour
    1) The task was too labour that the entire team gave up to move ahead.
    2) We will pay you for your material and labour.
    3) The kid laboured up the mountain with the heavy bag on his shoulders.
    Only 2
    Both 1 and 2
    Both 1 and 3
    Both 2 and 3
    All 1,2,3
    Option D
    The meanings of the word ‘labour’ are several. Firstly, in its verb form, it means doing a lot of hard work, and secondly, in its noun form it represents the workers of a group of an organization. These two meanings are taken into use by line 2 and 3 respectively.


  5. Draw
    1) The case has drawn attention to the fact that many athletes never graduate.
    2) We hope the display in the window will draw customers in from the street.
    3) Students drew maps of the states and labelled them.
    Only 1
    Only 3
    Both 1 and 2
    Both 2 and 3
    All 1,2,3
    Option E
    The word draw has several meanings. It can mean:
    I. To cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull, as used in sentence 1 and 2.
    II. An act of drawing, as used in sentence 3.


  6. Directions(6-10): In this question, two columns I and II and three sentences are given, which are divided into two parts. Column I (A, B and C) consists of first half of each sentence and Column II (D, E and F) consists of second half of each sentence. Match column I with column II, so that the sentences formed are both meaningful and grammatically correct. Choose the option as your answer.

  7. I

    A) You guys have always

    B) I didn't know whether you'd want the cheesecake

    C) In spite the fact that he worked very


    D) been right on money, have you?

    E) hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam.

    F) or the frozen hot chocolate, so I got you both.
    AD and BF
    BF and CE
    AD, BF and CE
    Option D


  8. I

    A) Neither the serving bowl nor the

    B) If you help me with the dishes, I

    C) The restaurant has many windows and, since it is


    D) will help you with your homework.

    E) plates goes on that shelf.

    F) surrounded by water, every seat ensures an ocean view.
    BD and CF
    AE, BD and CF
    AE and CF
    AE and BD
    Option A


  9. I

    A) Since moving from a Chicago suburb to southern California a few months ago, she has

    B) If aspirin eases my headache for now, I

    C) She always borrows a book to read, yet she


    D) never seems to turn a single page.

    E) learnt how to play a new game called Lanesmanship.

    F) will pop in a couple of it tonight.
    AE, BF and CD
    BF and CD
    CD and AE
    Option B


  10. I

    A) The student’s coursework as well as exam grades

    B) If she were to be late again, she would have to

    C) The solution is diluted with water, and the hydrocarbons


    D) are thereby precipitated and separated.

    E) have a conference with the manager.

    F) are considered in borderline cases.
    AD, BE and CF
    BE and CD
    AD and CD
    Option C


  11. I

    A) This therapy involved a therapist putting a client at a trancelike state

    B) I don't see how that's any different

    C) When Connie arrived, Lisa had barely buckled her


    D) where she was encouraged to root out and reexperience forgotten childhood memories.

    E) from you trying to protect me.

    F) seatbelt before she started asking questions.
    AD and BE
    BE and CF
    AD, BE and CF
    Option C


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