Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Mixed Reasoning Questions for Upcoming Exams – Set 126

Directions (1-5) : Study the information and answer the questions : There are seven persons Avnish, Banya, Caryl, Diksha, Elvish, Farah and Gaurav lives in a seven-floor building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered 1; the first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered seven. All persons like different colors i.e. Pale, Olive, Ruble, White, Black, Yale and Beige, but not necessarily in the same order.Diksha lives on the 5th floor but does not like Olive and Pale color. Two floors gap between Avnish and Farah, who lives below of Avnish. One floor gap between Gaurav and the one who likes Ruble color. The number of floors above of Gaurav is same as the number of floor below to Banya. Gaurav lives one of the above floor of 4th floor. More than two floors gap between Diksha and the one who likes Black color. Elvish likes beige color. The one, who likes Ruble color lives immediate above of the one who likes Beige. Diksha does not like Yale color. Two floors gap between the one who likes Yale and one who likes White. Gaurav does not like Olive. Number of floors gap between Farah and the one who likes Beige is one more than the gap between Diksha and the one who likes Pale.
  1. How many floors gap between Elvish and Gaurav?
    More than 4
    Option A


  2. Which of the following color does Banya like?
    Either a or b
    Option E


  3. Who among the following person lives on the top floor?
    Cannot be determined
    None of these
    Option C


  4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
    Avnish-3rd floor
    Banya-2nd floor
    Option A


  5. How many floor gaps between Diksha and the one who likes Pale color?
    Option E

  6. Directions (6-8) : Study the information and answer the questions : Avnish starts walking towards north direction from point Az. After walking 6 km he reached point Bz then turns towards his right and walks 9 km to reach point Cz. Then he turns towards his right and walks 6 km to reach point Dz. Rahul starts walking from point Ez, which is mid-point of AzBz. He walks 5 km towards east direction and reached point Fz. From there he turned towards his right and walks 7 km and reached point Gz. From point Gz he turned towards his left and walk 4 km to reach point Hz.

  7. What is the distance between Dz and Hz?
    6 km
    3 km
    5 km
    4 km
    None of these
    Option D


  8. In which direction point Gz with respect to Az?
    None of these
    Option D


  9. What is the shortest distance between Cz and Fz?
    5 km
    2 km
    3 km
    8 km
    9 km
    Option A

  10. Directions (9-10) : Study the information and answer the questions : Point Pz is 10 m west of point Qz. Point Xz is 8 m east of point Mz. Point Zz is 10 m north of point Mz. Point Xz is 5 m south of point Qz. Point Bz is 3 m east of point Zz.

  11. What is the shortest distance between point Pz to Xz?
    2√5 m
    4 m
    2 m
    5√5 m
    None of these
    Option D


  12. In which direction point Mz with respect to point Bz?
    None of these
    Option A


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