Thursday, January 13, 2022

Static GK Quiz for Upcoming Exams Set – 644

    Static GK Questions for SBI PO/Clerk, IBPS RRB, IBPS PO/Clerk, RBI Assistant, LIC, NIACL, OICL, NABARD, SEBI and other competitive exams
  1. Which of the following is the state flower of Assam?
    A) Foxtail orchid
    B) Jasmine
    C) Kachnar
    D) Rhynchostylis gigantea

  2. Quit India Day is held every year on ______?
    A) September 9
    B) July 7
    C) August 8
    D) May 10

  3. Girna Dam is in which state?
    A) Maharashtra
    B) Gujarat
    C) Punjab
    D) Haryana

  4. Which of the following national parks is based in West Bengal?
    A) Bandipur National Park
    B) Nagarhole National Park
    C) Sundarbans National Park
    D) Ranthambore National Park

  5. Where is the Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport situated?
    A) Gaya
    B) Silchar
    C) Guwahati
    D) Visakhapatnam

  6. Under head and Overhead are associated with which of these sports?
    A) Basketball
    B) Wrestling
    C) Archery
    D) Swimming

  7. The Walker Cup is given for which sports?
    A) Hockey
    B) Cricket
    C) Golf
    D) Tennis

  8. Who is the prime minister of Canada?
    A) Justin Trudeau
    B) Joseph Ngute
    C) Xi Jinping
    D) Nicos Anastasiades

  9. ________ is the smallest desert in the world?
    A) Carcross Desert, canada
    B) Sonoran Desert, USA
    C) Gobi Desert, China
    D) Atacama Desert, South America

  10. Bagurumba is a folk dance of which of these states?
    A) Himachal Pradesh
    B) Karnataka
    C) Assam
    D) Goa

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