Friday, July 3, 2020

Reasoning : Inequalities Questions for Upcoming Exam -Set 26

  1. In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based
    on the given statements and select the appropriate answer.

    a) Gz>Dz
    b) Oz>Iz

    If only conclusion b is true
    If only conclusion a is true
    If both conclusions a and b are true.
    If either conclusion a or b is true
    If neither conclusion a nor b is true.
    Option A


  2. STATEMENTS: Pa≥Wa≤Za, Wa>Ka, Qa>Oa
    a) Wa>Qa
    b) Za>Ka
    If only conclusion b is true
    If only conclusion a is true
    If both conclusions a and b are true.
    If either conclusion a or b is true
    If neither conclusion a nor b is true.
    Option A


  3. STATEMENTS: Bx≥LxOx, Ex>Yx
    a) Bx>Yx
    b) Jx>Yx
    If only conclusion b is true
    If only conclusion a is true
    If both conclusions a and b are true.
    If either conclusion a or b is true
    If neither conclusion a nor b is true.
    Option C


    a) Ts>Ns
    b) As>Ms
    If only conclusion b is true
    If only conclusion a is true
    If both conclusions a and b are true.
    If either conclusion a or b is true
    If neither conclusion a nor b is true.
    Option E


  5. STATEMENTS: Bs>Qs≥Rs, Zs>Ts≥Rs>Js
    a) Bs > Js
    b) Zs > Qs
    If only conclusion b is true
    If only conclusion a is true
    If both conclusions a and b are true.
    If either conclusion a or b is true
    If neither conclusion a nor b is true.
    Option B


  6. In these questions, relationship between different elements is show in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select the appropriate answer:

    STATEMENTS: Pz>Oz, Kz≥Mz>Tz, Oz=NzKz
    a) Tz≤Nz

    If only conclusion a follows.
    If only conclusion b follows.
    If either conclusion a or b follows
    If neither conclusion a nor b follows.
    If both conclusions a and b follow.
    Option C


  7. STATEMENTS: Tz=Yz, DzBz>Oz, Yz
    a) Bz>Dz
    b) Zz>Rz
    If only conclusion a follows.
    If only conclusion b follows.
    If either conclusion a or b follows
    If neither conclusion a nor b follows.
    If both conclusions a and b follow.
    Option A


  8. STATEMENTS: Hq=Iq≤Sq, Yq=Nq, Eq=Lq
    a) Yq>Lq
    b) Yq=Lq
    If only conclusion a follows.
    If only conclusion b follows.
    If either conclusion a or b follows
    If neither conclusion a nor b follows.
    If both conclusions a and b follow.
    Option C


  9. STATEMENTS: PzHz, Rz≥Oz≥Lz, Hz>Vz
    b) Ez>Pz
    If only conclusion a follows.
    If only conclusion b follows.
    If either conclusion a or b follows
    If neither conclusion a nor b follows.
    If both conclusions a and b follow.
    Option E


  10. STATEMENTS: Rz>Tz=Bz, Hz≥Dz
    a) Rz>Pz
    b) Hz>Sz
    If only conclusion a follows.
    If only conclusion b follows.
    If either conclusion a or b follows
    If neither conclusion a nor b follows.
    If both conclusions a and b follow.
    Option A


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