Friday, July 31, 2020

Quantitative Aptitude: Profit and Loss Set 21

  1. The ratio selling prices of three materials P,Q and R is 19:25:27., the ratio of percentage profit is 7:10:4, respectively. If the cost price of material P and Q is 400 and 500 respectively. Then what is the total selling price of all three materials?
    Rs 1704
    Rs 1802
    Rs 1500
    Rs 1650
    None of these
    Option A
    400*(1+7a/100)/ 500*(1+10a/100) = 19/25
    a = 2
    Profit percentages = 14%, 20% and 8%
    19*b = 400*114/100
    b = 24
    Total SP = (19+25+27)*24 = 1704


  2. Rishi sells two varieties of wheat P and Q. He mixes 12 Kg of P with 16 kg of Q, and by selling this mixture at price of Q wheat he gets 20% profit. If the price of P variety wheat is Rs.66/Kg, then what is the price of Q variety /Kg?
    Rs 140
    Rs 108
    Rs 95
    Rs 100
    None of these
    Option B
    120/100*(12*66+16Q) = 28*Q
    Q = 108


  3. The ratio selling prices of three articles P,Q and R is 29:27:32., the ratio of percentage profit is 4:2:5, respectively. If the cost price of article P is equal to Q and the cost price of article R is Rs. 480. Then what is the overall gain?
    None of these
    Option C
    29a/27a = (100+4b/100+2b)
    b = 4
    32a = 480(120/100)
    a =18
    SP’s are 522,486,576
    CP of A=29*18 = CP (116/100)
    CP =450
    CP’s are 450,450 and 480
    Overall gain =1584 =1380(100+gain/100)
    gain =15%


  4. Akansha sold a repair freeze to Banya at a profit of 30% and Banya sold it to Caryl at a profit of 20%. Caryl sold it to Diksha at a loss of 23.07%. Diksha repaired the freeze by spending 5% of his purchasing price and then sold it again to Akansha at a profit of 3.17%.Then what is the loss of Akansha?
    No profit No loss
    None of these
    Option D
    Let CP = 100
    SP= 130
    Banya = 156
    Caryl = 120
    Diksha = 126+3.17% = 130
    Akansha = 130-130 = 0


  5. A shopkeeper bought 2750 Guava and 1210 Orange at the same price. He sells in such a way that he can buy 406 Guava with the sale of 322 Guava and he can buy only 289 Orange with the sale of 391 Orange. Then what is the overall profit percentage made by him?
    None of these
    Option A


  6. A person mixes 10% water in his solution but he is not satisfied with it so he again mixes 10% more water in the previous mixture. What is the profit percentage of person if he sells it at cost price?
    None of these
    Option B
    Let Initial quantity= 100 litre
    After mixing 10% water, Quantity of mixture =110 * 110 / 100 =121 litre
    CP of 1 litre of Solution = Rs.1
    Total CP = Rs.100
    Total SP = Rs.121
    Profit = 121 – 100 = 21%


  7. A person bought chocolates at 27 for a rupee. How much must be sold for a rupee so as to gain 50%?
    Rs 10
    Rs 14
    Rs 18
    Rs 15
    None of these
    Option C


  8. By selling 8 materials, a shopkeeper makes a loss equal to the cost price of 4 materials. Find loss%?
    None of these
    Option A
    C.P of 8 materials – S.P of 8 materials= C.P of 4 materials
    C.P of 4 materials = S.P of 8 materials
    Profit% = (8 – 4)/8 * 100 = 50%


  9. Ramesh marks his goods at Rs 2,000. Now after allowing a discount of 25%, he gains 50%. Find the cost price of the article?
    Rs 1000
    Rs 1200
    Rs 1500
    Rs 1800
    Rs 2500
    Option A


  10. Akansha bought an watch at 20% discount on its original price. She sold it with 40% increase on the price she bought it. The new sale price is by what percent more than the original price?
    None of these
    Option B
    40 + (-20) + (40)(-20)/100 =12%


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