A) Expressing her views on the decision, the information commissioner said, "We shouldn’t have to prevent our children from being able to use the internet, but we must demand that they are protected when they do. This code does that."
B) One of the other important recommendations under the ICO’s proposed code of practice for internet firms, which the platforms would be responsible for enforcing, includes limiting how children’s personal data is __________, used and shared by social media companies.
C) Turning off the “like” function, and limiting data collection and geolocation tools on popular platforms are among a 16-point list of recommendations for age-appropriate design released by the Information Commissioner’s Office.
D) Under the proposed guidelines to improve child internet safety in the UK, Facebook and other social media firms are supposed to alert children if their parent or caretaker is monitoring their online activity.
E) It said “nudge” techniques, which platforms employ to encourage users to engage in a certain way, should not be used to try to keep under-18s online for longer.
F) Companies that do not stick to the code could face fines of up to 4% of their global turnover, around $1.6bn for Facebook.
- Which of the following will be the Fourth sentence after rearrangement?ABCDEOption B
The correct sequence is DCEBFA.
- Which of the following will be the Second sentence after rearrangement?ABCDFOption C
- Which of the following will be the Third sentence after rearrangement?EACDBOption A
- Which of the following will be the First sentence after rearrangement?DFAEBOption A
- Which of the following words will fill the blank in sentence B?AllottedDividedUtilizedCollectedEmbracedOption D
Embraced => accept (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.
- a) At Palermo, the Sicilians struggled hard to _______ a republic in place of the odious government of an alien dynasty.
b) He merely wanted to _______ his authority, so that the others would follow his lead.EstablishCorroborateSubstantiateInstituteDomiciliateOption A
‘Establish’ means ‘to set up on a firm or permanent basis’.
‘Corroborate’ means ‘to confirm or give support to someone or a group of people’.
‘Substantiate’ means ‘to provide evidence to support or prove the truth of’.
‘Institute’ means to ‘introduce’.
- a) The plan was _______ on detail, leaving them wondering what to do next.
b) Her nightmares had been _________, with an unidentified entity stalking her.ObscureEnigmaticTenebrousImpreciseVagueOption E
‘Obscure’ means ‘not discovered or known about’.
‘Enigmatic’ is used to describe something that is ‘difficult to interpret or understand’.
‘Tenebrous’ refers to ‘dark, shadowy objects’.
‘Imprecise’ means ‘to lack exactness and accuracy of expression or detail’.
‘Vague’ means ‘to be of indefinite, or unclear character or meaning’.
- a) The two smugglers acted in ___________ to transport the illegal goods over the border.
b) He found no evidence of ________ between record companies and retailers.AffinityIntrigueCollusionFlimflamBetrothalOption C
If people or things have an affinity with each other, they have a natural liking for and understanding of someone or something.
Intrigue is the making of secret plans to harm or deceive people.
Collusion is secret or illegal co-operation or conspiracy in order to deceive others.
Flimflam refers to foolishness.
A betrothal is an agreement to be married.
- a) Potatoes ______ best on the higher elevations, such as the Khasi hills, the Nilgiris and the Mysore uplands.
b) I wouldn't want that much pressure, but she seems to ________ on it.GrowthSucceedThriveBlossomJeopardiseOption C
a. grow or develop well or vigorously
b. prosper; flourish
a. a flower or a mass of flowers, especially on a tree or bush.
b. mature or develop in a promising or healthy way.
Jeopardise- put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.
- a) The party accused Benjamin of being ________ and undemocratic.
b) The ________ weather made it difficult for us to have a picnic in the garden.SkimmedFilmedCapriciousPetrifiedDecayedOption C
a. remove (a substance) from the surface of a liquid.
b. read (something) quickly so as to note only the important points.
Capricious- given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour; unpredictable
Petrify- make (someone) so frightened that they are unable to move.
Directions(6-10): Two sentences with one blank in each, followed by five alternatives, are given. Choose that option as the answer which can fill both the blanks of both the sentences.
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