Seven persons are living in a different floor of a building having seven floors, lowermost floor is numbered as 1 and topmost floor is numbered as 7. They like different colours- Beige, Pale, Black, Purple, Grey, Yale, and White (but not necessarily in the same order). Priyanka likes Pale and lives on an even numbered floor but not more than two people live below Priyanka. Varsha lives on 5th floor and does not like Yale. Tanu likes Black and lives on one of the odd numbered floors above the one likes Beige. Queen likes Purple. Rashi lives just above Udita, who likes Grey. Shivani likes White and lives below Priyanka.
- Who among the following likes Beige color?
VarshaRashiTanuEither a or bNon e of theseOption A
- Who among the following lives just below the one who likes Yale color?
UditaShivaniThe one who likesgrey colorBoth a and cnone of theseOption D
- Rashi lives on which of the following floor?
4th1st2nd3rdNone of theseOption A
- How many persons live between Queen and Priyanka?
1234None of theseOption C
- Who among the following lives just above Varsha?
PriyankaQueenEither a or bTanuNone of theseOption B
Study the following information and answer the given questions: - Which of the following color does Diksha like?
PinkBlackRedPurpleNone of theseOption B
- Which of the following combinations of mobile and color is correct with respect to Caryl?
Lenovo and PurpleAsus and RedOppo and PurpleSamsung and RedNnone of theseOption A
- Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
Anvesha-LenovoDiksha-AsusDiksha-AcerElvish-OppoCaryl-SonyOption B
- Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
Blue-LenovoPink-AsusSilver-AcerRed-SamsungBlue-OppoOption A
- Which mobile does Farah like?
SamsungAppleSonyAcerAsusOption D
Eight persons Anvesha, Banya, Caryl, Dinesh, Elvish, Farah, Himani and Girish like different mobile - Sony , Apple , Samsung , Lenovo , Asus , Acer , Mi and Oppo. Each friend also like different colors namely Red , Pink , Blue , Purple , Black , White , Orange and Silver. (not necessarily in the same order).Farah likes Red color and neither likes Samsung nor Lenovo. The one who likes Sony also likes Pink. The one who likes Oppo also likes Silver color. Anvesha likes Apple but neither likes Purple nor like Black. Banya likes White and does not like Lenovo. Dinesh likes Asus but doesn’t likes purple color. The one who likes Lenovo does not likes Black color. Girish neither likes Pink and nor likes Lenovo. Elvish does not like Lenovo. The one who likes orange color also likes Mi. Himani neither likes pink color nor Oppo. Caryl and Elvish doesn’t like orange color. Elvish doesn’t like Oppo. Himani doesn’t like purple color.
How blue- lenovo is different in Question no.9.please clear